HHP Directory

Research Interests
Dr. Wendt's research interests have been in the area of teacher socialization with an emphasis on teacher concerns and instructional issues. Looking at research on teaching, working with large classrooms and instructional models, her intent has been to work toward positive solutions to organizational problems at schools.
Recent Publications
Bain, L. L. and Wendt, J. C. (1983). (Alphabetical Listing) Transition to teaching: a guide for the beginning teacher. Reston, Va.: AAHPERD.
Wendt, J. C. (1989). Concerns of pre-service and in-service physical educators. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 8:2. 177‑180.
Wendt, J. C. and Bain, L. L. (1989). Novice physical educators' perception of stressful teaching events. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 8:4. 342‑346.
Tomme, P. and Wendt, J. C. (1993). Affective teaching: psychosocial aspects of physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. 64:8. 66‑70.
Thomson, W. and Wendt, J. C. (1995). The contributions of hardiness and school climate to alienation experienced by student teachers. Journal of Educational Research. 88:5. 269-274.
Burkhalter, N. and Wendt, J. C. (2001). Prediction of selected fitness indicators by gender, age, alienation, and perceived competence. Journal of Teaching Physical Education 21. 3‑15.
Soukup, G; Wendt, J. & Kellow, J. (2003). Differences in health and fitness knowledge in secondary physical education and substitute physical education students. Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal. 72:1. 10-12.
Soukup, G. J.; Wendt, J. C.; Kellow, J. T. & Walker, J. (2004) After school physical activity rates of students who completed secondary physical education and substitute physical education classes. TAHPERD Journal. Fall Issue.
Killion, L; Hughes, S; Wendt, J; Pease, D. & Nicklas, T. (2006). Minority mothers' perceptions of children's body size. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity. 1:2, 96-102.
Gaus, M. D., Gray, J. P. & Wendt, J. C. (2007). Fitness indicators, activity engagement, and activity intensity: A comparison of traditional and block scheduling in physical education. Texas Association HPERD Journal. 75:3, 8-11.
Cavallini, M. F., Wendt, J. & Rice, D. (2007).Combating obesity in the beginning: incorporating wellness and exercise principles in teacher education programs. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 78:8, 38-39+.