Research Interests
Dr. Park's research focuses on 1) underlying neurophysiological mechanisms for deficient motor control and learning in elder adults and individuals with neurological diseases such as stroke, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy, 2) developing novel rehabilitation tools and protocols for improving their functional motor control with emphasis on walking and balance, and 3) behavioral and neural changes in response to rehabilitative interventions.
Recent Publications and Research Activity
Park SH, Yan S, Dee W, Reed R, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Intermittent versus continuous adaptation to pelvis assistance during walking improves mediolateral balance in people with spinal cord injury. Experimental Brain Research. 2025. (10.1007/s00221-024-06971-z).
Park SH, Yan S, Dee W, Reed R, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Enhanced phasic calf muscle activation with swing resistance enhances propulsion of the paretic leg in people post-stroke. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2024. (10.1152/jn.00485.2023).
Yan S, Park SH, Dee W, Reed R, Rojas A, Rymer WZ & Wu M. Motor adaptation to continuous lateral trunk support force during walking improves trunk postural control and walking in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Human Movement Science. 2024. (10.1016/j.humov.2024.103258).
Yan S, Park SH, Dee W, Reed R, Rojas A, Rymer WZ & Wu M. Trunk postural reactions to the force perturbation intensity and frequency during sitting astride in children with cerebral palsy. Experimental Brain Research. 2024. (10.1007/s00221-023-06744-0).
Park SH, Yan S, Dee W, Reed R, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Overground walking with a constraint force on the non-paretic leg during swing improves paretic propulsion and walking speed in people post-stroke. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2023. (10.1152/jn.00008.2023).
Yan S, Park SH, Reed R, Dee W, Rojas A, Rymer WZ & Wu M. Improving trunk postural control facilitates walking in children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2023. (10.1097/PHM.0000000000002206).
Park SH, Dee W, Keefer R, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Enhanced phasic sensory afferents paired with controlled constraint force improve weight shift toward the paretic side in individuals post-stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2023 (10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2023.107035).
Park SH, Lin J, Dee W, Keefer R, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Swing-phase pelvis perturbation improves dynamic lateral balance during walking in individuals with spinal cord injury. Experimental Brain Research. 2023 (10.1007/s00221-022-06507-3).
Park SH, Yan S, Dee W, Reed R, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Repeated adaptation and de-adaptation to the pelvis resistance force facilitate retention of motor learning stroke survivors. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2022 (doi: 10.1152/jn.00046.2022).
Park SH, Hsu C, Dee W, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Enhanced error facilitates motor learning in weight shift and increases use of the paretic leg during walking at chronic stage after stroke. Experimental Brain Research. 2021 (doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06202-9).
Park SH, Hsu C, Lin J, Dee W, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Increased motor variability facilitates motor learning in weight shift toward the paretic side during walking in individuals post-stroke. European Journal of Neuroscience. 53, 3490-3506, 2021 (doi: 0.1111/ejn.15212).
Park SH, Hsu C, Dee W, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Gradual adaptation to pelvis perturbation during walking reinforces motor learning of weight shift toward the paretic side in individuals post-stroke. Experimental Brain Research. 239, 1701-1713, 2021 (doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06092-x).
Park SH, Lin J, Dee W, Hsu C, Roth EJ, Rymer WZ, & Wu M. Targeted Pelvic Constraint Force Induces Enhanced Use of the Paretic Leg During Walking in Persons Post-Stroke. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 28(10), 2184-2193, 2020 (doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3018397).
Casamento-Moran A, Delmas S, Park SH, Yacoubi B, & Christou EA. Reaction to a visual stimulus: Anticipation with steady and dynamic contractions. Journal of Human Kinetics. 69(1), 17-27, 2019 (doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0025).
Park SH, Wang Z, McKinney W, Khemain P, Lui S, Christou EA, & Mosconi NW. Functional Motor Control Deficits in Aging Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 Premutation Carriers. Experimental Brain Research. 237(9), 2269-2278, 2019 (doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05566-3).
Park SH, Kim C, Yacoubi B, & Christou EA, Control of oscillatory force tasks: low-frequency oscillations in force and muscle activity. Human Movement Science. 64, 89-100, 2019 (doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.01.009).
Park SH & Kwon M. The effect of trial-to-trial variability during practice of force control tasks on motor learning. Journal of Korean Society for the Study of Physical Education. 23(2), 127-136, 2018 (doi: 10.15831/JKSSPE.2018.23.2.127).
Delmas S, Casamento-Moran A, Park SH, Yacoubi B, & Christou EA. Motor planning perturbation: muscle activation and reaction time. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120, 2059-2065, 2018 (doi: 10.1152/jn.00323.2018).
Ernster AE, Park SH, Yacoubi B, Christou EA, Casamento-Moran, Singer ML, & Humbert IA. Motor transfer from the corticospinal to the corticobulbar pathway. Physiology & Behavior, 191, 155-161, 2018 (doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2018.04.016).
Park SH, Casamento-Moran A, Singer ML, Ernster AE, Yacoubi B, Humbert IA, & Christou EA. Integration of Visual Feedback and Motor learning: Corticospinal vs. Corticobulbar Pathway. Human Movement Science, 58C, 88-96, 2018 (doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2018.01.002).
Park SH, Casamento-Moran A, Yacoubi B, & Christou EA. Voluntary reduction of force variability via modulation of low-frequency oscillations. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 2717-2727, 2017 (doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5005-5).
Park SH, Kwon M, & Christou EA. Motor output oscillations with magnification of visual feedback in older adults. Neuroscience Letters, 647, 8-13, 2017 (doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.03.011).
Park SH, Kwon M, Solis D, Lodha N, & Christou. EA. Motor control differs for increasing and releasing force. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115 (6), 2924-2930, 2016 (doi: 10.1152/jn.00715.2015).
Park SH, Kim SJ, Kwon M, & Christou EA. Differential contribution of visual and auditory information to accurately predict the direction and type of stimulus. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41 (3), 235-243, 2016 (doi: 10.1139/apnm-2015-0390).
B.S. in Kinesiology at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 2010
M.S. in Kinesiology (Motor Learning and Control), at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 2012
Ph.D in Kinesiology (Motor Neuroscience) at University of Florida, Gainesville, 2019
Postdoctoral Training in Neurorehabilitation at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab & Northwestern University, 2022