Degrees offered

Doctor of Philosophy
B.A. to Ph.D. Track
The Ph.D. Program is designed to provide the training necessary for careers in college teaching and historical research. Some students also may wish to pursue the Ph.D. for careers in a variety of public history or applied history fields. This track is designed for students who have earned a B.A. in history or a related discipline. Reading knowledge in at least one foreign language is required (specific requirements beyond one language are determined by the student’s particular research agenda). Learn more
M.A. to Ph.D. Track
The Department of History offers a separate curriculum plan for graduate students who have earned an M.A. in history or a related discipline. Reading knowledge in at least one foreign language is required (specific requirements beyond one language are determined by the student’s particular research agenda). Learn more
For a complete description of all program requirements and policies, please download Graduate Student Handbook. The material on this website constitutes a brief introduction to the program and the application process.
Master of Arts
Plan I: M.A. Thesis Track
Plan I has a teaching and research focus, and requires the completion of a thesis. Students who are considering continuation of their graduate work in history beyond the M.A. degree should select this option if they are not ready to commit to a Ph.D. program. Reading knowledge in at least one foreign language is required (specific requirements beyond one language are determined by the student’s particular research agenda). Learn more
Plan II: M.A. Non-Thesis Track
Plan II is designed for students who desire advanced preparation in History (especially teachers seeking to strengthen their mastery of their subject fields), but who do not expect to pursue work toward a Ph.D., and who do not wish to take advanced training in historical research. There is no foreign language requirement for this track. Learn more
Plan III: Public History Thesis Track
The Public History M.A. degree is designed for students who intend to pursue a career in a variety of areas of public history. Many students in Plan III will work toward the M.A. as a terminal degree, but some may choose to pursue the Ph.D. A foreign language is required (specific requirements beyond one language are determined by the student’s particular research agenda). Learn more
Plan IV: Public History Non-Thesis Track
This Public History Non-Thesis Track is considered the primary degree plan for public history, due to its focus on applied use of skills in practical settings. It serves students who intended to pursue careers in public history fields such as institutional history, cultural resources management, historical policy and analysis, community history, historical editing, historical archives and records management, and the creation, interpretation, and management of historical exhibits. A foreign language is not required. Learn more