Minor & Courses

A minor in Latin American Studies (LAST) requires 15 semester hours (at least 9 advanced hours) taken from the courses listed below. Other courses with content relevant to the minor may count for the minor if a petition is approved by the director of the program. A minimum of 9 hours must be taken in residence.
No more than one independent study course may be applied toward the minor. Courses should be taken in at least two departments. Only 6 hours can count toward any other major/minor or degree requirement.
A student must earn a 2.00 cumulative grade point average in courses attempted in the minor field at the University of Houston.
Course Offerings
ANTH 3336- Caribbean Societies and Cultures
ARTH 3314- Latin American Art
ARTH 4394: Selected Topics in Art History: Latin American-Latinx Photobooks
ARTH 4394: Selected Topics in Art History: Pop Art & Society in Latin America
ARTH 4394: Selected Topics in Art History: Art & Urban Society in Latin America
ENGL 3322- Contemporary Fiction (Magical Realism)
ENGL 3361- Mexican American Literature
ENGL 4394/HIST 4366- Latin American History through the Novel
Hispanic Studies
HISP 2374 -Spanish American Culture and Civilization
HIST 2321- The Study of Early Civilizations (Mesoamerica)
HIST 2348- U.S. Latina/o Histories
HIST 2349- Latina/o Jewish History
HIST 2371- Latin America 1492-1820
HIST 2372- Latin American History Since 1820
HIST 2374- Popular Culture in Latin America HIST 3336- History of U.S. Latinx Music
HIST 3342- Mexican Immigration to the US
HIST 3369- Colonial Mexico
HIST 3370- Twentieth Century Revolutions in Latin America
HIST 3376- Caribbean History
HIST 3396- Selected Topics in Latin American History
HIST 4364- Consumer Culture in Latin America HIST 4365- Women in Latin America
HIST 4366/ ENG 4394- Latin American History through the Novel
HIST 4368- Food, Drink, and Drugs of Latin America
HIST 4369- Modern Mexico: 1810 to Present
HIST 4371- Latin American History through Film
HIST 4372- African Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean
HIST 4376- Revolutionary Cuba
HIST 4377- Blacks in Latin America and the Caribbean during the 20th century
HIST 4372 - African Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean
Political Science
POLS 3321- Politics in Mexico
POLS 3322- Latin American Politics
POLS 3372- Latino Politics
SOC 3373- Comparative Family Structures
SPAN 2301- Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2302- Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 3301- Spanish Oral Communication for Critical Thinking
SPAN 3305- Spanish Grammar Review
SPAN 3306- Introduction to the Study of Spanish Language
SPAN 3331- Intro to Mexican American Literature
SPAN 3350- Women in Hispanic Literature
SPAN 3374- Spanish American Culture and Civilizations
SPAN 3375- US Hispanic Literature and Culture
SPAN 3384- Introduction to Hispanic Literature
SPAN 4337- Contemporary Spanish American Literature
SPAN 4367- Hispanics and Language
SPAN 4368- 20th Century Mexican Literature
SPAN 4388- Image of Women in Spanish-American Film and Literature
SPAN 4397- Contemporary Cuban Culture Survey