Jinaeng Choi
Email: jchoi33@uh.edu
Biographical Summary
Jinaeng Choi is an assistant professor in the Modern and Classical Languages Department at the University of Houston, and teaches courses on Korean literature and culture. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California – Los Angeles’s Department of Asian Languages and Cultures. She also holds an M.A. degree from the State University of New York- Stonybrook’s Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, and another M.A. from Korea University’s Department of Spanish Language and Literature.
Dr. Choi’s current book project engaged in an extensive study of the literature produced by Korean Latin American literary communities during the late 19th and throughout the 20th century, focusing on the intricate interplay between nation-building narratives, migration histories, and the plurality of voice. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. Choi situates her study of literature within the broader intellectual and aesthetic traditions and debates that are associated with the notion of borders.
Eunkyung Back

Email: elee25@central.uh.edu
Biographical Summary
Eunkyung Back majored in social studies at Ewha Womans University in Korea and earned a master's degree in Korean Art History. Also, she completed the Korean language teacher training course at Seoul National University. She has taught the Korean language and culture to numerous students in various organizations, including the Houston Korean Education Center, the Asia Society Texas Center, the Houston Community College, and several Korean language schools for over 20 years. In addition, she gave several special seminars on Korean art and food culture at the Hilton College of UH and Universidad de Las Americas in Quito, Ecuador.