Past News

News from CLASS
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation Grants $400,000 to Arte Público Press
- Centennial Celebration of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
- Integration at UH – Black and Brown perspectives
- New non-tenure track faculty join CLASS
- Psychologist teaches men how to argue better to save women’s lives
- How Cultural Researchers Help Disaster Survivors Cope in the Aftermath
- Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Houston Hosts 12th Biennial Conference
CLASS Event Calendar
- Oct. 3: CMAS 40th Anniversary Fall Speaker Series | 1pm, Hilton Hotel
- Oct. 18: CMAS 40th Anniversary Fall Speaker Series | 11am, Hilton Hotel
- Oct 5-6: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: A Centennial Celebration
- Oct. 18: CMAS 40th Anniversary Fall Speaker Series | 11am, Hilton Hotel
- Oct. 18: UH Arts Open House | 10am, Fine Arts Courtyard
- Oct. 23: CMAS 40th Anniversary Fall Speaker Series | 1pm, Architecture
- Oct. 25: CMAS 40th Anniversary Fall Speaker Series | 2:30pm, Honors College
- Oct. 25: The Boundary of Life is Quietly Crossed | 6pm, Dudley Recital Hall
- Nov. 1: City Council Meeting | 7:30pm, Palm Center
- Nov. 2: City Council Meeting | 7:30pm, Project Row Houses
- Nov. 3: City Council Meeting | 7:30pm, DiverseWorks
- Nov. 9 & 10: SuperEverything* | 7:30pm, Asia Society of Texas Center
CLASS in the News
- Remembrance of Jews’ Past by Robert Zaretsky, professor of history, in the Jewish Daily Forward
- Anti-Muslim video – one more reason for independent scholarship on the Quran by Emran El-Badawi, assistant professor of Arab Studies, in the Christian Science Monitor.
- Changing Faces – the cover story on the Center for Mexican American Studies and its director Dr. Tatcho Mindiola for the September 13, 2012 issue of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education