Student Organizations

Political Science Undergraduate Association
The Political Science Undergraduate Association is dedicated to advancing the academic and professional interests of UH students in the field of political science. The organization aims to foster a deeper understanding of political science topics through thoughtful engagement with students, faculty, and the wider community.
To achieve these goals, PSUA will create opportunities for networking and intellectual exchange, supporting students in their academic and career pursuits. Acting as a bridge between students and faculty, PSUA will provide an inclusive environment that encourages discourse on both theoretical and practical aspects of political science. To further these objectives, PSUA will organize a variety of events, including guest lectures from experts in political science, informational meetings, group discussions, academic seminars, and career development events.
These activities are designed to enrich members’ academic experience and connect them with resources that support their professional growth. Through these efforts, PSUA strives to contribute meaningfully to the academic life of its members and the UH community.
Article I – Name
Political Science Undergraduate Association (PSUA)
Article II – Membership
Section 1 - Eligibility
Membership will be open to all registered full-time and part-time students at UH who are in good standing with the university and meet minimum GPA requirements (above 2.0 GPA). Students who wish to join the UHPSUA must fill out the online application form on the PSUA website. An application must be approved by a simple majority of the current Executive Committee for an applicant to become a member of the PSUA.
Section 2 – Voting
Unless specified otherwise, the winner of a vote shall be the side that has a simple majority. Unless a blind vote is requested, the standard vote shall be by a show of hands. In the event a blind vote is requested, a blind vote must be held.
Section 3 – Removal
If a member violates the University of Houston rules and regulations, the officers or other members of the PSUA may seek the member’s removal. In that event, at the next meeting, the officers will take a majority vote to determine whether the member shall be asked to leave the organization or shall be suspended as a disciplinary measure. If the member is asked to leave, the member must leave the organization or appeal the decision.(?)
Section 4 – Active membership
In addition to the instructions specified in sections 1 and 2, to maintain active membership in the organization, a member must participate in the organization of at least one event per semester and must attend at least two events per semester.
Article III – Purpose
The Political Science Undergraduate Association is dedicated to advancing the academic and professional interests of UH students in the field of political science. The organization aims to foster a deeper understanding of political science topics through thoughtful engagement with students, faculty, and the wider community. To achieve these goals, PSUA will create opportunities for networking and intellectual exchange, supporting students in their academic and career pursuits. Acting as a bridge between students and faculty, PSUA will provide an inclusive environment that encourages discourse on both theoretical and practical aspects of political science. To further these objectives, PSUA will organize a variety of events, including guest lectures from experts in political science, informational meetings, group discussions, academic seminars, and career development events. These activities are designed to enrich members’ academic experience and connect them with resources that support their professional growth. Through these efforts, PSUA strives to contribute meaningfully to the academic life of its members and the UH community.
Article IV – Meetings and Events
Section 1 – Meetings and Events
- The UHPSUA will organize no less than two events per semester (during the Fall and Spring semester).
- A majority of active members will constitute a forum, unless otherwise specified.
Article V – Executive Committee and Organizational Structure
Section 1 – Requirement for officers
Officers of the UHPSUA will be undergraduate students at UH in good standing with the university. Starting in 2026, all prospective officers must have been members of the UHPSUA in the previous semester (not including the summer semester) and must have met all attendance and participation requirements.
Section 2 – Selecting the officers
- All candidates shall be screened by a screening committee consisting of the graduating officers and the faculty advisor. Each candidate must submit an application created by the screening committee. The committee will approve the applicants by a majority vote. The faculty advisor will be present, but will only vote in the case of a tie or an absent officer. A candidate may apply for one or multiple positions. If the candidate is applying for multiple positions, the candidate must rank them in order of personal preference. The committee may invite an applicant to an interview. Candidates must participate in a public forum/town hall where they answer to questions from the Executive Board and the membership.
The officers will be elected at a general meeting of the membership. For each officer position, the candidate with the most votes will get elected.
For an election to take place, one third of the active members of the organization must be present. If one third of the active members are not present, the officers will be selected by the graduating officers and the faculty advisor. If a member cannot be present for an election, they may notify the graduating officers two weeks in advance and notify absentee voting. The voting process will be handled by the screening committee.
- Term limits – Officers can serve no more than two (consecutive or non-consecutive) terms (two years) in a specific position. A student can serve on a different position even after he/she has exhausted the two term limit (for example, someone who served as a Treasurer for two terms can then run for a Secretary). No student may run for more than one office during one semester.
Section 3 - Officers and Roles
- President - This officer serves as a spokesperson and oversees the organization as a whole. The president will oversee meetings and activities, will set and review meting agendas, and will serve as a liaison among members, officers, and advisors. The president shall have a tie-breaking vote in the event of a tie between officers.
- Vice-president - This officer will assist the president in presiding over meetings and activities, setting and reviewing meeting agendas, organizing club activities and events, and will stand-in for the President if needed.
- Secretary - This officer will keep track of officer and member attendance, membership, and participation, and will keep and maintain records (including minutes of all meetings) for the organization. This officer will also be responsible for communication between members and officers.
- Treasurer -This officer will handle the organization’s financial matters and budget. The treasurer will be responsible for keeping records of all transactions while in their term in office, including collection of fees, payment for events and the expenses of speakers, and other financials. They will be required to turn in records of all transactions to the Political Science Department Business Administrator at the end of each term.
- Underclass representatives – There shall be one representative each for first-year (freshman) and second-year (sophomore) students. The two representatives will plan jointly one even for each semester (fall and spring). In addition, the two underclass representatives will plan a New Political Science Majors Social in the Spring semester.
- Public Relations and outreach – This officer will focus on the growth of the organization in terms of membership, opportunities, and networking. This person will reach out to and communicate with alumni, recruiters, and professionals, and any other contacts that will contribute to the growth of the organization. This person will also be responsible for updating the UHPSUA website in a timely manner. This includes, but is not limited to, posting reminders and updates on upcoming events and meetings, as well as other relevant sources of information and links. This officer will also disseminate materials and information promoting the organization’s activities and goals.
Article VI – Amendments and revisions
- Amendments to this constitution may be proposed at any of the meetings.
- A written proposal is required.
- Voting on amendments will take place at a subsequent meeting and amendments will be ratified by a two-thirds majority votes.
- Revisions to this constitution will be proposed and approved in the same way as amendments.
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