News Archive
- Congratulations to Dr. Neema Langa for her National Science Foundation grant on " Identifying and Understanding the Social and Policy Determinants of Obstetric Care, Maternal Mortality, and Morbidity". The grant amount award is $340,109. Dr. Langa is Principle Investigator with help from Co-Investigators and Senior Personnel:
Kate Anderson, PhD, Zelma Oyarvide Tuthill, PhD, Annamaria Millazo, PhD, Mclain Sampson, PhD, Elizabeth Gregory, PhD, Felicia York, PhD, Kimberly Pilkinton, MD, Quinnete Walton, PhD - How the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Stands To Financially Harm Women
- Congratulations to Dr. HS Hwang for winning the Best Paper Award at the annual conference of 2022 Midwest Academy of Management in Detroit, MI. His coauthored paper, "Antecedents of Institutional Conformity: the Case of the Local United Way Affiliates and their Response to Field Change Efforts", examines how local United Way affiliates respond to external pressures and expectation in the nonprofit sector. The paper provides implications for nonprofit organizations to adapt to social change, which help nonprofit organizations be more resilient to external threats and overcome internal challenges.
- Professor Neema Langa joins us as a joint faculty member in sociology and African American studies to teach AAS 3394/SOC 3397: Gender and Health Care in Africa. This course aims to explore gender as the structural influence of an individual's likelihood of accessing and utilizing health care, as well as their health outcomes.
- Sociology in Action Series: Bad Apples Come from Rotten Trees in Policing: Pursuing Racial Equity - Dr. Rashawn Ray, David M. Rubenstein Fellow, The Brookings Institution & Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland (March 9, 2021, 3-4 pm CST) (Online Live-Stream)
- Congratulations to Nicole Hart for Being a 2020 AY Mellon Scholar
- UH Sociology ranked 18th in earning potential by 2020 GradReports Best Colleges
- Dr. Amanda Baumle provided data on undocumented immigrants and congressional apportionment to Politifacts
- Congratulations to Dr. Sheila Katz on being a 2020 Teaching Excellence Award Recipient
- Congratulations to Sociology MA Student Chelsea Cooper for receiving the 2020 Barbara Espy Chenworth Scholarship from WGSS
- The Sociology Department welcomes our new assistant professor, Dr. Zelma Oyarvide Tuthill
- Dr. Michael Gibson-Light discusses prison labor at the 2020 Sociology in Action Lecture Series
- Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Quiroz for being selected by Texas Executive Women as one of the 2019 Women on the Move
- Sociology MA Student, Dylan Simburger, presenting his research at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting in New York
- Associate Instructional Professor Stella Grigorian wins 2019 Provost’s Teaching Excellence Award for Instructional or Clinical Faculty
- Dr. Pamela Quiroz discusses the Latino Art Now! Conference at UH and citywide events
- The Honorable Mayor Anise Parker is the 2019 Sociology in Action Lecturer
- Professor Kwan discusses body size norms in Shape Magazine
- Professor Karner comments on Houston diversity
- Congratulations to Dr. Amanda Baumle and her collaborators on her grant from the National Science Foundation to study LGBT employment discrimination
- Congraulations to Dr. Pamela Quiroz on her appointment to be Executive Director of the Inter-University Program on Latino Research.
- Sociology in Action Lecture Series: Harnessing the Altruistic Community in Disaster
- Professor Kwan, YWCA of Houston's 2017 Honoree in Education
- Sociology in Action Series:The Trust Gap: A Hidden Barrier to Successful Poverty Policy (March 2, 2017)
- Student Paper Award 2017 Recipients
- Viva, Segment 1, June 29, 2014 - Professor Jessica Brown discusses the border crisis on ABC13 Viva
- Houston schools prep for Ebola possibility - Dr. Luis Salinas comments on Ebola, news report of ABC13
- New UH Sociology Course Focused on Works of Best-Selling Author Malcolm Gladwell - Dr. Shayne Lee will focus on the writings of journalist and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell.
- Viva, Segment 1, June 29, 2014 - Professor Jessica Brown, Interim Director of the Center for Immigration Research and Assistant professor of Sociology, discusses the boreder crisis in ABC's Viva
A Broken Public? Americans’ Responses to the Great Recession
Jeff Manza (Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, New York University) gives his talk "A Broken Public? Americans’ Responses to the Great Recession" to faculty and grad students on March 25, 2013 in the Werlin Room.
"Legal recognition of gay families could improve outcome for children"
Read the article written by Amanda K. Baumle and D'Lane R. Compton (University of New Orleans) published in the Houston Chronicle.
Professor Patricia Dorsey receives 2013 Teaching Excellence Award from President Khator
“Why do fans boo?” - The Houston Chronicle turns to Dr. Russell Curtis for expert commentary on sports fan behavior.
Stress doubles for Houston-area Teachers - News report report on KRIV-FOX 26 based on the research of Dr. Gary Dworkin
Lecture & Book Signing with Kathy Ryan

She is Director of Photography at the New York Times Magazine
The Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Beck Building, Second Floor
5601 Main Street
Monday January 23, 2012
6:30-8:30 p.m.
For more than 25 years, Kathy Ryan, distinguished photography director at the New York Times Magazine, has commissioned and published the images that have marked history and shaped the public’s understanding of the world’s events.
Sociology in Action Lecture Series
Deconstructing Official Rationales for the Texas State Raid on the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints
Dr. Stuart A. Wright
Professor of Sociology and Director of Research in the Office of Research, Lamar University
This event successfully took place October 26, 2011 - Watch a video of the lecture
Mexico's former president Vicente Fox

Professor Ebaugh with Mexico's former president, Vincente Fox, and the Gulen Institute's Board, at a private reception at the Hilton of the Americas in Houston
Peace Ambassadors

Professor Helen Rose Ebaugh organized and lead a tour of religious sites in Houston for the Peace Ambassadors from San Angelo, Texas. The above photo was taken at the Vietnamese Buddhist Center
Book signing
Sociology Professor Helen Rose Ebaugh at a book signing for her book, The Gulen Movement, in Istanbul, Turkey.
The event drew thousands to a local mall and was covered by CNN Turkey.
Mr. Kofi Annan Visits Houston
Mr. Kofi Annan, the former secretary general of the UN was a luncheon speaker at an event sponsored by the Gulen Institute, a UH center. He spoke about inter-cultural dialog in the 21st. century as critical in international relationships. President Renu Khator introduced him and Sociology Professor Helen Rose Ebaugh was a guest at a reception in his honor.
Sociologist Dr. Alice Cepeda nets national honors for research on drug use
From the Daily Cougar
Assistant sociology professor Alice Cepeda will be recognized by a national network for her research on drug use on the Latino community. Cepeda will receive the National Award of Excellence in Research by a New Investigator at the National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse’s annual conference Sept. 30 in New Orleans.
Cepeda is currently studying the influence of social networks among aging Mexican-American heroin users. “Some of the work that I’m currently doing is looking at such things as the social environment and social structural factors that puts a lot of these individuals at risk for engaging in illegal activities,” Cepeda said. She mentioned factors such as poverty, violence and crime in the neighborhoods and the lack of employment opportunities in the community.
Sociology professor elected to lead global research committee
UH Professor of Sociology Gary Dworkin was elected president of the Sociology of Education Research Committee of the International Sociological Association on July 17 at the 17th World Congress of Sociology held in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Dworkin's term as the committee's ninth president will run from 2010 to 2014. The International Sociological Association is chartered by the United Nations and has members from 167 nations around the world.
For the past 37 years, Dworkin has taught sociology at the University of Houston and his research has focused on education and how its reform affects the global community
The Gülen Movement
From the Graffit-e
Professor Helen Rose Ebaugh has written a book that examines an Islamic movement of education, interfaith exchange and peace.
"The Gülen Movement: A Sociological Analysis of a Civic Movement Rooted in Moderate Islam" follows Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish scholar and preacher whose works helped start a civic movement in the 1960s to educate young people.
Based on interview data and visits to Gülen-inspired institutions, the book describes the movement from a sociological perspective, especially through the lens of social movement theory.
- December 21: The new edition of the E-Soc newsletter is now available.
- The Center for Immigration Research Speaker Series: “Enemy Women (and Men)”
- Jessica Brown, College of Saint Rose Residential Fellow, Center for Citizenship, Race and Ethnic Studies
- Friday, November 6, at 2-3:30 p.m.
- Honors College Commons, MD Anderson Library
- See the flyer about the speech
- Learn more
- The Center for Immigration Research Speaker Series: “The Undocumented Immigrant Experience”
- Hilario Molina, University of Houston Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology
- Thursday, October 8, at 2:00-3:30pm
- Honors College Commons, MD Anderson Library
- See the flyer about the speech
- Learn more
- Prof. Kotarba, Sociology department chairman, is the recipient of the George Herbert Mead Award, the lifetime achievement award presented annually by the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. For the complete story visit UH Today.
- November 10: Inaugural edition of the E-Soc newsletter