The Marriage Question: Do You?
Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 11:30am - 1pm
Rockwell Pavilion - MD Anderson Library
A Panel Discussion with Diane Barber, Amanda Baumle (UH), Jenifer Bratter (Rice), Karen Niemeier, Assata Richards
Moderator: Elizabeth Gregory
Join the UH Friends of Women's Studies for a thought-provoking discussion of the changing face of marriage in America. Sociologists Dr. Amanda Baumle of UH, whose recent research centers on legal contexts of same-sex parenting, Dr. Jenifer Bratter of Rice, who studies implications of race and racial mixing on family, identity, and social inequality, and Dr. Assata Richards, Program Manager of the Young Mothers Residential Program at Project Row Houses, along with married couple Diane Barber & Karen Niemeier, will share their insights on unmarried partnerships, same-sex partnerships, single motherhood, marriage penalties and benefits, and more.