IGE: Faculty & Staff Global Engagement - University of Houston
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UH faculty and staff propel many of the global initiatives at the university, shaped by global collaborative research, online international learning, global fellowships like the Fulbright Specialist and Scholar programs, learning abroad student programs, and global-local collaborations.

  • Galapagos group at dinner

    Faculty Awards & Funding

    Faculty can bolster their global engagement efforts through the Global Faculty Development Fund or apply for the annual Global Faculty Award.

  • Cathy Horn

    Fulbright Programs

    The Fulbright Scholar, Specialist, and Visiting Scholar programs are prestigious global opportunities for faculty to further their research and expertise abroad.

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    Faculty-led Programs Abroad

    UH faculty and staff lead short-term student programs abroad with for-credit and non-credit program models. 

  • World Map showing famous travel destinations

    Online International Learning

    Faculty can connect their students and courses with international faculty and courses through online collaborations using COIL.

UH Faculty and Provost in small group photo

Global Affiliated Faculty

Recognizing and connecting global faculty and initiatives at the University of Houston

The UH Institute for Global Engagement Affiliate Faculty Program is designed to recognize and acknowledge, using affiliate appointments, the diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds of University of Houston faculty that regularly participate in global engagement activities. 

Read more about the Global Affiliated Faculty program, review our faculty, and learn how to request affiliation.