Outstanding Thesis Award
The Outstanding Master's Thesis Awards will be given in four different categories on a rotating basis:
- Math, Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Humanitites and Fine Arts
- Social Sciences, Business and Education
- Life Sciences
An additional award will be given for a non-traditional thesis/project award. Two (or three) $750 awards will be given per year.
2024 Award Categories:
- Math, Physical Sciences and Engineering (1 award)
- Humanities and Fine Arts (1 award)
- Non-traditional Thesis/ Project Award (1 award):
This category refers to both theses in any field that do not readily conform to the traditional model, such as those produced in MFA programs both for literature and the performing arts, as well as those that deviate from the typical disciplinary approaches. Furthermore it also includes capstone/final research-oriented projects in non-thesis degree programs.
- Each graduate program is eligible to nominate one individual for the award in a given year.
- The student must have completed the master’s degree within the past two academic years and/or summer sessions (Fall 2022 through Summer 2024).
- The UH Thesis award winners will be nominated for the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools Thesis Award.
Nomination Package Checklist
- The nomination form, completed and signed by the dean/associate dean of the college.
- A synopsis of the thesis (500 word maximum) outlining its context within the broader field, as well as how the completed research contributes to the discipline; prepared by the nomine.
- An abbreviated resume or CV for the nominee (2 page maximum, prepared by the nominee).
- A web link to the thesis or an electronic copy submitted by e-mail.
- A letter of support/endorsement from the major professor focused on the criteria by which the committee will evaluate the submitted theses. These consist of: clarity of style and presentation, scholarship, research methodology, and contributions to the field or discipline.
- The Collegiate Associate Dean for Graduate Studies or Dean must certify that the thesis was approved in partial fulfillment of requirements for the master’s degree and that the student completed the master’s degree within the past two academic years and/or summer sessions (Fall 2021 through Summer 2023).
- The nomination package must be sent as a single pdf document to gradschool@uh.edu by October 18, 2024.
- Please submit your file in the specified format: Thesis_Field_LastName.pdf
Thesis Award Winners
2021 Award Winner
Chelsea Cooper, Sociology MA program, Social Sciences, Business and Education and also the winner of the 2022 Conference of Southern Graduate Schools Master’s Thesis Award
2022 Award Winner
Katie Milligan, MFA in Creative Writing program
2023 Award Winners
Kaitlin Rizzo, MFA Creative Writing
Kaira Mercer-Jones, MA Anthropology