Great Conversation 2010 Table Topics

2010 Table Topics and Conversationalists
Health Care Reform and Frivolous Law Suits Richard Alderman, Associate Dean, The Law Center
What Challenges Are Facing Our Universities? John Antel, Provost and Senior Vice President
Kindle-Twitter-Facebook: The New "Literacy" Richard Armstrong, Professor, Classical Studies and Comparative Literature
The Decline of Newspapers and the Future of DemocracyMichael Berryhill, Professor, School of Communication
Beakers, Bleachers, Desks, and Galleries: Campus Life and Cougar Pride Simon Bott, Professor, Chemistry
E Pluribus Unum? The Challenge of Multiculturalism in America Jeff Church, Professor, Political Science
Abramoff, Madoff, Tiger, and McGwire: Sin and Redemption in Modern Attire Sue Collins, Professor, Political Science
Sex, Booze, Revivalism, and all that Jazz: Were the 20s All That Bad? Orson Cook, Professor, History
Fame and Shame: Camera Phones and the Way We Live Now Jerome Crowder, Assistant Dean for Technology and Communication, CLASS
Mad Men?: America in the 1950s Lawrence Curry, Emeritus Professor, History
"Ask Your Doctor If It's Right for You": Making the Right Health Care Decisions Clifford Dacso, Director, The Abramson Family Center for the Future of Health
High, Low, and Lots of Peat: Tasting Scotland's "Waters of Life" Andrew Davis, Director of Graduate Studies, Moores School of Music and John Harvey, Artist-in-Residence and Director, Center for Creative Work
Seeing the World Through Poetry Ted Estess, Professor, English
My Kid Could Make That: Does Contemporary Art Matter? Karen Farber, Director, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts
Henry, William, and Alice James: An Interesting, Accomplished, and Neurotic American Family Cynthia Freeland, Professor, Philosophy
The New Longevity! Elizabeth Gregory, Professor and Director of Women's Studies
Ellis Island on the Bayou: International Students and American Vitality Renu Khator, Chancellor and President
What's Next, Baby Boomers? Joe Kotarba, Professor, Sociology
"You Majored In What?": The Value of a Liberal Arts Education Bill Monroe, Dean, The Honors College
Tiger Woods and the Trouble with Marriage Iain Morrisson, Professor, Philosophy
The 2010 Midterm Elections: Can the Republican Party Repeat the 1994 Congressional Sweep? Richard Murray, Professor, Political Science
This Team Is Your Team: Will Houston Support Houston? Mack Rhoades, Athletic Director
Are Universities Hurting College Athletics? Dave Shattuck, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Red and White, Blue Suede Shoes, I'm Uncle Sam, How Do You Do?: Drinking Wine From All 50 States Kevin Simon, Professor, Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Nuggets and Bits, Nuggets and Bits: Our "App"etites For iNstant iNformation Steve Smith, Broadcast Journalist, Media Consultant
Are We Responsible?: Free Will, Science, and the Law Tamler Sommers, Professor, Philosophy
Tupperware: The Story of America Helen Valier, Professor, History of Medicine
From Cradle to Career: A New Approach to Education Bob Wimpelberg, Dean, College of Education