Great Conversation 2011 Table Topics

2011 Table Topics and Conversationalists
The Crisis in Public Higher Education: Where Do We Go From Here John Antel, Provost and Senior Vice President
“Mouse Over Thumbnail”: Language in a Computer Age Richard Armstrong, Classical Studies and Comparative Literature
Psychotic, Insane, and Other (In)convenient Labels Julia Babcock, Psychology
Why Americans Are Bad At Science (And How We Can Get Better) Simon Bott, Chemistry
America’s Elites and the Tea Party Movement Sue Collins, Phronesis Program in Politics and Ethics
Good Times or Bad? The 1960s in America Lawrence Curry, Professor Emeritus, History
Outlive Your Doctor: Making Sense of Health Information Cliff Dacso, Director, The Abramson Family Center for the Future of Health
Why Poetry Matters Ted Estess, Founding Dean, The Honors College
Art and Activism: How Creative People Can Save the World Karen Farber, Director, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts
The Clash Over Religious Icons Cynthia Freeland, Philosophy
Dollars and Sense: The Market Value of Motherhood Elizabeth Gregory, Women’s Studies Program
You Say You Want a Revolution: Regime Change and American Foreign Policy Terry Hallmark, Political Science
Lord of the Isles: Sacred Waters from Orkney to Islay John Harvey, Artist-in-Residence, Center for Creative Work and Andrew Davis, Director, Graduate Studies Moores School of Music
Obama, Palin, and Donald Trump? What It Takes to Be President in the 21st Century Christine LeVeaux-Haley, Political Science
Are We There Yet? Renu Khator, Chancellor and President
Democracy in 140 Characters or Less: An Inquiry into Political Twitterpation Andy Little, Political Philosophy
Since When is a Myth Untrue? Mythos and Logos in a Postmodern Age Pittman McGehee, Director, Institute for the Advancement of Psychology and Spirituality
Wikileaks, Oil Spills, and the Illusion of Mastery William Monroe, O’Connor Abendshein Professor and Dean, The Honors College
Intellectuals: Who Needs Them? Iain Morrisson, Philosophy
Return to Divided Government: Compromise or Partisan Warfare for the Next Two Years? Richard Murray, Political Analyst
Beyond The Fountainhead: What Architects Really Do Patricia Oliver, Dean, College of Architecture
Greening–America: Good Intentions, Bad Consequences Dan Price, Science & Humanities
The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling Tyler Priest, Global Studies Program, Bauer College of Business
24/7: College Athletics and the Media Mack Rhoades, Director of Athletics
How We Converse: Norms of Civility in Public Discourse John Roberts, Dean, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
The ABCs of Wine: Anything but Cabernet or Chardonnay Kevin Simon, Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Searching for E.T.: The Viability of Life on Other Planets Mark Smith, Dean, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Our National Discourse: Have We Become a Nation of “Angry Birds”? Steve Smith, Broadcast Journalist and Media Consultant
Do We Still Have True Grit? Honor, Revenge, and Justice in the 21st Century Tamler Sommers, Philosophy
Wills and Kate: A Modern Day Fairytale Helen Valier, History
History Are the French Lazy? (And Why Do We Care?) Robert Zaretsky, French History