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Campus Programs for Minors

The safety of all guests while on the University of Houston campus is a top priority. In order to remain compliant with Texas Education Code § 51.976, all individuals who will have contact with minors during campus programs must complete a state-approved training on preventing sexual abuse and child molestation. By no later than 15 days prior to arriving at the University of Houston, all groups with minor participants must provide documentation that each individual working or volunteering has completed the state-mandated sexual abuse and child molestation training through the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS).  Completing this process can be done in the following manner:

 Step 1: View the TDSHS listing of state-approved training programs. The list contains training options for individuals or groups at varying price ranges. The University of Houston Conference Services staff will not endorse the use of any specific training. Please select the course that best works for all staff members. Each program will specify instructions for completion.

 Step 2: After all staff has completed the selected training, complete the verification form and information sheet and email them to UH Veteran Services at and also email a copy to us at