Building Maintenance & Improvements
Each resident plays a vital role in the upkeep of facilities within Student Housing & Residential Life (SHRL). Residents have the ability to submit online requests 24/7 to get assistance with information technology (computers, Wi-Fi, software, email) residential facility or room support and laundry room issues. It is important to note that submission of a work order implies permission for service personnel to access private spaces.
To ensure accurate resolution of requests, it is important to include all five components - name, contact information, building/location room/area, and a clear description. Once submitted, a staff member will promptly visit the location. Typically, requests are addressed and resolved within three business days. To meet this timeline, maintenance staff are authorized to enter spaces between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily. Please note that emergency access to private spaces is available 24/7 in situations posing a threat to life safety or causing further structural damage.
All service personnel are required by SHRL to adhere to prescribed customer service standards. This includes wearing a university-issued uniform and presenting a university-issued ID card, knocking loudly at least three times, announcing their presence before entering any private spaces and providing verification upon request. Upon completion of work, service personnel are expected to leave the area clean and leave a written note in plain sight if the original requestor is not present.
In the event that a resident has any concerns with the work that was performed, they should reach out to the Supervisor, Desk Operations & Community Standards (SDOCS) or Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) for assistance. Additionally, these personnel can assist in the event of recurring issues or repeated requests.