Salary Placement Guidelines are intended to provide managers with the framework they need to establish and maintain fair and equitable salaries in managing the workforce.
With an increasing focus on pay parity, Compensation is moving towards salary placement being aligned with our salary placement guidelines based on common Compensation industry best practices:
- Employees are placed on the salary range according to their qualifications and salary guidelines.
- Employees meeting the minimum qualifications of the job will be paid at the minimum.
- Employees possessing qualifications in excess of the minimum qualifications will be placed on the range based on their experience.
- When this is the case, flexibility within reason will be available.
- Employees possessing qualifications in excess of the minimum qualifications will be placed on the range based on their experience.
- Pay rate requests above midpoint will require Division VP and HR approval.
- Employees are not placed higher in the salary range if they have additional education outside of the minimum requirements.
- In determining hiring rates, consideration will be given to the position in the pay range, whether the rate allows sufficient room for future growth, and the relationship to rates paid to other employees in the job and/or organizational unit.
- Internal pay parity is a factor in determining appropriate levels of pay.
These are guidelines only and do not take the place of the University policy or campus procedures.
- Minimum: Entry level salary for a minimally qualified candidate who is comparatively less experienced and is developing their skills, abilities and knowledge in the field.
- Individual just meets the minimum qualifications of the position.
- Typical zone for individuals with little/or no experience at present level in similar organizations/institutions. Individuals may have general experience but minimal related experience.
- Between First Quartile and Below Midpoint: Intended for employees who are experienced and more proficient in the position for which they are hired (proficient and competent skill level).
- Individual moderately exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position and has over 3+ years of direct experience in addition to the minimum qualifications.
- Typical zone for individuals who can effectively perform all duties and responsibilities of the position.
- Midpoint: Intended for employees who are fully experienced and proficient in the position for which they are hired (full proficiency and high-level skills).
- Individual significantly exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position and has at least 5+ years of direct experience in addition to the minimum qualifications.
- Individual can perform the duties and responsibilities for the position at the full scope of the intended role.
- Demonstrates aptitude for advanced level and long-term promise.
- Above Midpoint: Intended for employees who demonstrate mastery of field and have significant and extensive record of experience and accomplishments at a similar or same level of position. (highest level of job-related knowledge, proficiency and skills, advanced capabilities, unique qualifications or subject matter experts).
- Individual greatly exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position is considered an expert in all primary duties of the job.
- Individual demonstrates a promise for high level of performance and is expected to have little to no learning curve.
- 3rd Quartile: Intended for employees who bring substantive experience and possess mastery of skills, competencies, and capabilities well beyond the minimum requirements of the position. (highest level of job-related knowledge, proficiency and skills, advanced capabilities, unique qualifications or subject matter experts).
- Typical zone for individuals who are towards the end of their career.
- Rarely appropriate as a zone for starting salary. Does not allow room for salary increases.