Awards and Programs
College Program
- Can I use the College Program Form for courses at institutions outside of UH? Yes, as long as the course is (1) during working hours, (2) the form is approved by your supervisor, and (3) travel time is not part of the "release time."
President's Award
Staff Tuition Scholarship
- Can I use this scholarship for programs outside of UH? No, only degree programs from the University of Houston.
- Do I have to wait until my probation period has passed, or can I go ahead and apply for a scholarship? No, you need to wait for your probationary period to pass.
The following will answer FAQs and provide links regarding Performance. Please visit our ePerformance page for additional information and resources.FAQs
- What is Performance Management?
- My manager is looking at my ePerformance Competencies. What does that mean?
- What is a Core Competency?
- I need to create a SMART goal on my ePerformance document. What is that?
- What are the rating definitions for ePerformance?
- Do I have specific deadlines to meet for ePerformance?
- What are the new features for this year?
- Could I have someone come to my group to provide training on ePerformance?
- I have an employee who has transferred from another area. What do I do for ePerformance?
HR Business Partners
Employee Relations
The following will answer FAQs and provide links regarding Employee Relations. Please visit our Business Partners page for additional information and resources.FAQs
- How can I contact an HR Business Partner?
- The campus has different divisions so each HR Business Partners/Generalists is assigned to such divisions. You can review the contact information for the HR Business Partner here. Please note that any of the HR Business Partners can assist you in HR related matters if needed.
- What needs to be done when an employee terminates?
- You should contact the designated Business Office Administrator for your department and/or the HR Business Partner/Generalist to ensure the appropriate personnel actions are taken in order to process the termination. Additionally, if you are a Business Office Administrator or the employee’s leader, you should coordinate with the employee to obtain any university items, including but not limited to keys, equipment, and uniforms, prior to the employee’s termination date.
- How many days of bereavement leave am I allowed to take?
- Employees are eligible for up to 3 days of bereavement leave (up to 5 days if the deceased lived out of the area) due to a death in the employee’s family. If you have any questions regarding the allowable leave for your specific situation, please contact your HR Business Partner/Generalist for further assistance.
- What is considered "a relative" for purposes of bereavement leave?
- For the purposes of bereavement leave, immediate family includes husband, wife, children (including step-children), brothers, sisters (including stepbrother or stepsister), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, parents (including stepparents), grandparents, grandchildren, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sons-in-law, or daughters-in-law.
- What are some of the MAPP and SAM policies I should understand?
- Leaves of Absence
- Family and Medical Leave
- MAPP 02.02.01
- SAM 02.D.06
- Discipline and Dismissal of Staff Employees
- Employee Grievances
- Staff Performance Appraisal
- MAPP 02.01.04
- SAM 02.A.11
- Nepotism
- Consensual Relationship Policy
- How can I contact an HR Business Partner?
The following will answer FAQs and provide links regarding Payroll. Please visit our Payroll page for additional information and resources.Pay
- Deceased Pay- My garnishment payment has not reached the custodial parent. Who do I contact? You may reach out to Alex Oliveros at 713-743-1059 or via email at hracctg@central.uh.edu for assistance.
- ORP, 403(b) and 457's- When will the ORP, 403(b) and 457 contributions be applied to my account? Allow 5-7 business days after pay day for contributions to be reflected.
- TRS- When is TRS processed? TRS contributions are processed once a month for the previous month’s pay dates. Allow 30 days for TRS contributions to be reflected as well as any withdrawals.
- Deceased Pay - Does Payroll need to be notified of an employee's death? Yes! Notify Payroll and Benefits via email when an employee has died. Provide the decedent's name, empil ID, and date of death. There are specific laws governing paychecks issued after an employee has passed away. Timely notification and processing of required documents helps prevent delays in issuing final checks and processing of required legal documentation.
- Direct Deposit
- When will my paycheck be direct deposited? Direct deposit paychecks are credited to your bank’s account on payday. The University of Houston’s paydays are listed on the Payroll and TRAM Website. The actual time of deposit varies according to your bank's practices. It may be early or late in the day.
- I closed or changed my Bank account and my direct deposit has not reached my new account. What do I do? Please allow 24-48 hours for your bank to send back the funds. Once Payroll receives notice that the funds have been returned, it will be reissued on the next available off-cycle.
- Payday has passed, and I haven’t received my paycheck. What do I do? Check with your departmental payroll contact to confirm that your assignment and/or time and leave was processed by The University of Houston’s payroll deadlines. If all records were completed in time, the department will contact Payroll to resolve the issue.
- Can I choose to have my paycheck direct deposited into multiple accounts? Yes, you may elect to have your money split into multiple accounts. This is done via P.A.S.S. and is set up as an “amount” type, then you’ll specify the dollar amount to be deposited.
- Garnishments - Who do I contact for received & released garnishment questions? You may contact Kimberly Thompson regarding these type of questions at 713-743-8682 or via email at hrpay@central.uh.edu.
- Overpayments - An employee has been overpaid. What should I do? Contact Payroll immediately and include the employee's name, Empil ID, applicable date(s), and a brief explanation of the overpayment. Action to resolve the overpayment should be taken as soon as possible. It is not necessary to wait for assignment changes, timesheets, etc. to be final approved before contacting Payroll Services. Payroll will evaluate the situation and respond with the best course of action, so you can notify the employee.
- Stop Payments and Stale Dated Checks - How do I replace a lost or stale dated check? Contact Payroll and the following information must be provided by the employee or departmental contact in order for Payroll to research the lost paycheck:
- Employee Name
- Empil ID
- Check Date
- Reason for Request
After Payroll has confirmed the paycheck status, a request form must be completed and signed by the employee. Completed forms must be submitted to Payroll Services. Replacement checks are generated after Payroll Services receives the signed form, and the employee is notified when the replacement check is ready for pick up.
- Underpaid - My absence was approved but I didn’t get paid for it, what do I do? Verify the date and time that the absence was approved. Biweekly absences must be approved before 12:00 noon on Wednesdays for the preceding work week to be picked up in the absence process. If the absence is approved late after Week 2 of the biweekly pay period, it will be picked up and paid in the next on-cycle payroll. Please refer to the Payroll Calendar to determine the monthly deadline, as the schedule for monthly fluctuates month to month.
- Fringe Benefits - What are fringe benefits? Fringe benefits refer to non-wage expenses paid by The University of Houston on behalf of their employees. It includes insurance premium sharing, employer matching Old Age and Survivor's Insurance (OASI), Unemployment Compensation Insurance (UCI), Workers' Compensation Insurance (WCI), Teacher Retirement System (TRS), Optional Retirement Program (ORP) matching, and Vacation/Sick leave assessment.
Payroll Tax
- Additional Medicare Questions
- What is the rate of the Additional Medicare Tax? The rate is 0.9 percent (%).
- What wages are subject to Additional Medicare Tax? All wages that are currently subject to Medicare Tax are subject to Additional Medicare Tax if they are paid in excess of the applicable threshold for an individual’s filing status. For more information on what wages are subject to Medicare Tax and additional questions, refer to IRS Publication 15, (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide.
- When are indivduals liable for Additional Medicare Tax? An individual is liable for Additional Medicare Tax if the individual’s wages, compensation, or self-employment income (together with that of his or her spouse if filing a joint return) exceeds the threshold amount for the individual’s filing status:
- Married Filing Jointly (Threshhold Amount: $250,000)
- Married Filing Separately (Threshhold Amount: $125,000)
- Single (Threshhold Amount: $200,000)
- Head of Household [With Qualifying Person] (Threshhold Amount: $200,000)
- Qualifying Widow(er) with Dependent Child (Threshhold Amount: $200,000)
- FICA and Medicare (OASDI)
- What is the FICA? The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)is the federal law that requires you to withhold two separate taxes from the wages you earn. It includes Social Security Tax and Medicare Tax at a flat percentage rate. The Social Security Tax is 6.2% rate of your wages, and the Medicare Tax is 1.45% of your wages.
- What is the FICA cap? Social Security Tax is subject to a cap, which is adjusted every year for inflation. The 2017 cap is $127,200.00. There is no cap on Medicare Tax.
- Is there a student exemption to FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes? Students who are enrolled and employed by the University of Houston may be exempt from paying FICA taxes if they meet certain eligibility criteria established by the IRS. More information is available on the Tax Website.
- What are Social Security and Medicare (OASDI) taxes? OASI stands for Old Age and Survivor's Insurance. OASI is also known as Social Security. All employees are subject to this withholding unless exempt by visa status and length of presence in the U.S. or by the student employee rules. The Social Security and Medicare rates, as well as the Social Security wage limit, are updated annually and posted on the Internal Revenue Service website.
- W2 and W2C Questions
- Why doesn't my W-2 reflect my December earnings paid in January? The IRS requires employers to report wages on tax form W-2 in the year in which the wages were paid. Wages for the December are paid in January and are therefore reportable in the following calendar year.
- I did not work for the University of Houston last year, so why did I receive a W-2? Form W-2 reports wages paid during the year, not wages earned during the year. The University of Houston pays monthly salaries on the first working day of the following month. If your last day worked was in December of one year and you were paid in January of the following year, those wages would be reported on the W-2 for the second year.
- I started working in December, but did not receive a W-2. Why not? Wages for December are normally paid in January of the following year. If you started working in December you probably did not receive a payment until January, and those wages will be reported on next year’s W-2. The W-2 reports wages paid during the year, not wages earned during the year.
- Why is the amount in Box 1 not the same as my calendar year to date gross pay amount? The amount reflected in Box 1 represents taxable wages for a given calendar year. The amounts reflects gross wages less pre-tax deductions such as medical, dental and life insurance premiums, pre-tax parking, retirement contributions, tax sheltered annuity contributions, Texflex, etc.
- Why is the amount in Box 3 and Box 5 more than the amount in Box 1? Boxes 3 and 5 report your social security and Medicare taxable wages. Some deductions that are sheltered from income tax are not sheltered from social security and Medicare. These deductions include tax sheltered annuities, deferred compensation, Teacher Retirement, and Optional Retirement.
- Why is the amount in Box 3 less than the amount in Box 5? There is an annual maximum on the amount of wages subject to social security retirement deductions. These deductions stop when your salary reaches that maximum. There is no maximum on the Medicare portion of the social security taxes.
- Why was Social Security and Medicare (OASDI) taxes not taken out of my checks? The IRS exempts student employees who work at their own university and are employed in a position that requires them to be a student, from Social Security taxes as long as they are enrolled and attending classes half time. Certain foreign employees are also exempt from Social Security for a limited time period.
- Why is there no amount listed in Box 12? The Retirement Box is checked, and I had retirement deductions taken out. Voluntary retirement contributions, such as to a tax sheltered annuity, ROTH, or deferred compensation plan contributions are reported in Box 12. TRS and ORP contributions are not voluntary, and therefore are not required to be reported in Box 12.
- Why is there an amount listed in Box 12DD? Will I be taxed on this amount? This amount is both the employee and employer cost for health insurance coverage for the year, which is required to be reported on W-2 forms beginning in 2012. This reporting to employees is for their information only. The reporting is intended to inform them of the cost of their health care coverage and does not cause excludable employer-provided health care coverage to become taxable.
- Additional Medicare Questions
Glossary of Payroll Terms
- Pay Period ID: Each payroll eriod is identified by a Pay Period ID. The biweekly (hourly) employee IDs begin with "B" for Biweekly, followed by the pay end date of that pay period.
- Example: B070312 is the pay period ID of a biweekly payroll period ending on 7/3/12.
- Start & End Date: These dates represent the day the pay period begins and when it ends.
- Due Back to Payroll Date: This is the date when your timesheet is due back to payroll.
- Empl ID: If you are a student, your Employee ID will be the same as your Student ID. This number must always be included on your timesheet
- FTE: Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a measure of the number of hours you are expected to work in a typical week. This number is based on the assumption that a 40-hour work week is full-time (1.0 FTE). If you are expected to work 20 hours per week, you are working half a 40-hour week, or .50 FTE.
- Pos No (Position Number): The position number assigned to you correlates to your hourly rate for that job and the account you are paid from. It is therefore very important that if you are working multiple jobs, you record your hours against the correct position number.
- Pay Period ID: Each payroll eriod is identified by a Pay Period ID. The biweekly (hourly) employee IDs begin with "B" for Biweekly, followed by the pay end date of that pay period.
The following will answer FAQs and provide links regarding Benefits. Please visit our Benefits page for additional information and resources.Benefit Election
- Will I have another opportunity to enroll in benefits after my first 30 days of employment?
- Yes, if you have a Qualifying Life Event or the summer enrollment period.
- When is Open Enrollment for benefits?
- Summer Enrollment generally takes place the first three weeks of July.
- What is a Qualifying Life Event (QLE)?
- A change in your situation — like getting married, having a baby, or losing health coverage — that can make you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to enroll in health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period.
- If I waive insurance coverage, will I receive more compensation?
- No, you do not receive any additional compensation for waiving coverage.
- What is the effective date of my health insurance?
- The first of the month following your 60th day of employment.
- Who do I contact regarding paycheck deductions?
- Please contact Benefits at hrben@central.uh.edu
- How do I log in to ERS Online to make changes to benefits?
- Your elections can be made at www.ers.tx.state there you will create an account and follow the instructions.
- Do you have any tips for me on our annual enrollment?
- Be sure to visit the annual benefits fair, generally during the second week of July.
- When can I make changes to my benefits?
- As a new hire within the first 30 days, 30 days within a qualifying life event or during summer enrollment.
- Who do I contact to get assistance?
- Call 713-743-3988 for benefits assistance.
- Why do I need to do Tobacco Certification?
- ERS imposes a surcharge if you do not certify as tobacco free or in a quit program.
- What is Evidence of Insurability (EOI)?
- Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is an application process in which you provide information on the condition of your health or your dependent's health in order to be considered for certain types of insurance coverage.
- Will I have another opportunity to enroll in benefits after my first 30 days of employment?
Dental Insurance
Disability Insurance
Flexible Spending
- What is the Health Care Flexible Spending Account?
- What is ERS TexFlex, and how does it work?
- How do I enroll in ERS' TexFlex?
- Why does the ERS TexFlex have a limited flexible spending account starting in 2016?
- What is TexFlex ADP Spending Account?
- What are the TexFlex Eligible Expenses for the spending accounts?
- Can I use a TexFlex Flexible Spending Account on dependent care?
- I am a commuter to campus. How does Flexible Spending help me if I have it?
Medical Insurance
- Where do I find Medical Insurance information?
- Can I change my Primary Care Physician (PCP) at any time?
- Yes you can do so from the Health Select website.
- What is the Prescription Drug Program?
- Optum Rx is current prescription drug provider.
- What should my prescriptions cost?
- Do we have a Health and Vision Program?
- There is a vision discount program connected to the health select medical coverage.
- How do I transfer a prescription to a OptumRx participating retail pharmacy?
- Are there comparisons between a 30-day supply and a 90-day supply for medications?
- How long can my child stay covered under my insurance?
- Until age 26
- How can I keep my health benefits after leaving UH?
- Benefits end on the end of the month on the last day.
Optional Benefits
- What are the optional benefits offered to me?
- How do I get Aflac optional insurance?
- Aflac benefits plans offered are:
- What is Trustmark Universal LifeEvents, and how do I get it?
- When can I apply for either benefit program?
- Within your first 30 days of employment, or
- Open enrollment period for benefits (each July) to make changes.
Prior State
- What is State Service Credit?
- State service credit is earned when you work for a State of Texas agency or a public institution of higher education.
- What can State Service impact?
- State service affects your vacation accruals and eligibility for longevity pay.
- What is State Service Credit?
- What employee wellness resources are available to me?
- University of Houston employees have access to wellness resources provided through the POWER Employee Wellness program and their insurance providers. Examples of these include onsite flu shots, mobile mammograms, monthly Lunch and Learns, and different wellness workshops and events. To learn more, read the monthly POWER UP eNewsletter or log on to the HR POWER UP Employee Wellness
- What does the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provide?
- The UH EAP program offers a variety of free services and resources to support employees’ health and wellness and life/work success. Included in these are confidential short-term counseling services, legal and financial resources, and much more. To learn more, visit the EAP webpage on the HR website.
- Are there any free online weight loss programs available to me?
- There are two online weight management programs available to BCBSTX HealthSelect members, Naturally Slim and Real Appeal. Log on to BCBSTX HealthSelect and click the “Health and Wellness/Incentives” tab to register and learn more.
- Are there any dental services available to staff and faculty on campus?
- As a matter of fact, there are! Convenient, affordable full-service dentistry is available to faculty, staff and students on campus. The UH Dental Office is located in the new, state-of-the-art Health 2 Building, which is south of the Rec Center and connects to the Health & Biomedical Sciences Building 1 and the UH Eye Institute. Visit them online to learn more about their services, accepted insurance and to schedule an appointment.
- Can employees receive services at the University Eye Institute (UEI)?
- Absolutely! The UEI offers faculty, staff and students ophthalmic services that range from comprehensive vision examinations, to the medical and surgical management of eye disorders. Top quality care, glasses and contacts, are all conveniently available at the UEI located in the campus’ biomedical district. For a map and parking instructions, click here. To learn more and make an appointment, visit the University Eye Institute
- For LASIK procedures, enjoy special pricing. Visit nJoy Vision also conveniently located on campus in Health Bldg. 1, Ste. 130.
- Where do I go for nutritional counseling?
- UH Dining Services/Chartwell’s Balanced U platform provides healthy meals through enhanced menu development and educational wellness tools to engage faculty, staff and students in healthier lifestyle dining options. A Chartwell’s dietitian is available to consult with the UH community on overall nutrition counseling, special diets or food restrictions. To learn more visit the Dining Services
- If I have hurt myself and need to be bandaged up, where do I go?
- Make your way to the University Health Center located in the new Health 2 Building. The Health Center General Medicine Clinic offers services at affordable cost to currently enrolled students, faculty and staff. Board certified physicians assisted by nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and certified medical assistants provide quality care for both short-term and long-term medical problems and injuries. To ask about insurance, make an appointment or just learn more, visit them online here.
- Do we have a pharmacy here on campus?
- The University Health Center houses a full-service pharmacy able to fill prescriptions from faculty/staff members' current physicians. Competitively priced, prescription and non-prescription medications are often lower than off campus. Common over-the-counter medications such as pain relief, cough, cold, allergy medications, first aid products, vitamin supplements and many more are available. Refill options through e-precribing, an automated phone system, web-link or mobile app are also available. Visit the UH Pharmacy online to learn more!
- Can employees use the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center?
- Faculty, staff and retirees are more than welcome to use the University’s 264 thousand square foot recreation center which features a 53 ft. climbing rock wall, indoor track, in- and outdoor pools and an impressive array of classes, intramural sports and fitness opportunities. Learn more about faculty/staff/retiree and family memberships by visiting the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (CRW) online today.
- What are my rights if I have a disability?
- At the University of Houston specific policies exist to ensure all qualified employees with disabilities are afforded equal employment opportunity in compliance with federal and state laws. In addition the University provides reasonable workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities. The University also works to ensure equal opportunity in all its educational programs and activities, and all terms and conditions of employment without regard to age, race, color, disability, religion, national origin, veteran’s status, genetic information, or sex (including pregnancy), except where such a distinction is required by law. Additionally, UH System prohibits discrimination in all aspects of employment and educational programs on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. To learn more, visit the UH Equal Opportunity Services (EOS) office online.
- What are Employee Perks? Employee Perks are a variety of discounts and deals made available to University of Houston employees.
- As a member of the University of Houston community, a variety businesses make their products and services available to employees at a discounted rate. These offerings can be found online and often change over time. To learn what perks are available to you as a University employee, visit the HR POWER UP Employee Wellness page and click on the “Employee Discounts” link.
- What is the "Farm to Work" Program?
- In a sense, “Farm to Work” is the original UH Farmer’s Market which makes the local produce and products available to faculty, staff and students on campus. Having transitioned from the former pre-order, pre-pay service for just produce from only one farmer, today’s UH Farmer’s Market features produce and products from a variety of vendors without the necessity to order or pay in advance. For dates and times for the Farmer’s Market, visit the Office of Sustainability.
- What employee wellness resources are available to me?