Talent Development
Empowering through new knowledge, Enriching through shared experience, Excelling toward the future.

Catalyst is a learning and development program designed to provide opportunities for staff to enhance knowledge and develop skills for future opportunities within the University of Houston. This program features innovative development courses for Individual Contributors, Supervisors, Managers and Senior Leaders.
To view courses currently available and to enroll view the CATALYST Enrollment App.
Click HERE to view our course Catalog.
FY25 Mandatory Training Roll Out!
CATALYST Learning Programs!
Linkedin LEARNING!
How do I enroll in a training course?
Log into AccessUH with your CougarNet credentials. Click the P.A.S.S. icon, then click Training. You can enroll in a training course with either the Course Name or Course Code. Once you’re done requesting enrollment, online training courses will be available in TAP the following day. For classroom courses an email will be sent from the course facilitator with additional details.
How To Request Training Enrollment
To enroll in CATATLYST courses, log into the CATALYST Enrollment App and follow the CATALYST Enrollment process.
When trying to enroll in an online training course, the course states that it starts on 8/31/2025. What do I do?
The date 8/31/2025 is the system expiration date for online courses. All online courses are available the next day in TAP immediately following enrollment, you do not need to wait until 8/31/2025 to begin the course.
Where do I go to access my online trainings?
The online training courses are accessible in TAP. To access TAP, log into AccessUH and click on TAP Employee Online Training or go to https://login.tap.uh.edu.Even though I am enrolled in online trainings, I’m unable to see my trainings in TAP.
Please wait 24hrs. after enrolling to view courses in TAP.
After 24hrs. you may need to clear your internet browser history, by clearing your cache and cookies. You may also try using a different browser. For additional assistance with your internet browser, contact UIT Support.
If you continue to have issues viewing the courses, please email ulearn@uh.edu for assistance.
How do I cancel an enrollment request?
To cancel an enrollment request you will need to send an email to the Talent Development team at ulearn@uh.edu, include your name, PSID, and course information.
For Mandatory New Hire and Annual Mandatory Training courses, a request must be submitted by your College/Department Business Administrator or Manager to cancel enrollment.Where can I find information about Mandatory New Hire and Annual Mandatory Training?
Online Training Webpage - Click Here
Catalyst learning programs
Who can take a CATALYST class?
All benefits-eligible staff members can enroll. There is a learning path for every employee.
Individual Contributors – Individuals in non-leadership roles seeking skills for career success.
Supervisors – Team Leads and Supervisors looking for leadership and team management skills.
Managers – Managers with direct reports looking for leadership and strategic skills.
Senior Leaders – High-level leaders of supervisors, managers, directors, etc., who are looking to sharpen their leadership skills and connect to explore new ideas.
How do I sign up for a CATALYST class?
Log into the CATALYST App using your CougarNet ID and password. Register for the course with your CougarNet email address and your PSID. Once it is confirmed you are eligible for the course, a request will be sent to your supervisor for approval. After we receive your supervisor’s approval, you will receive an email notification confirming you have been successfully enrolled.
How much does CATALYST cost?
Course tuition fees vary. All course tuition costs are listed with the course description in the CATALYST App.How do I pay for a class?
Once enrollment is approved by your supervisor, course tuition is billed to the department.
Do I have to have direct reports to take courses in the supervisor or manager learning paths?
Some courses in the Supervisor Development path will require an individual to have direct reports. All Manager Development learning path courses require the participant to have direct reports. The criteria for eligibility is listed with course description for each course.
Are all classes in person?
All courses are in person in the Human Resources Center Training Room, with the exception of classes labeled “Virtual Edition”. Virtual Edition courses are taught via MS Teams.
How do I approve an employee’s request to take a class?
If you have received an email to approve an employee’s enrollment request, log into the CATALYST App and select “Manager Access”. You will need to provide the cost center and the name of your department’s C/DBA in order to approve the request.
Can I schedule CATALYST development courses just for my team?
We offer most CATALYST courses as a Team Development option. We also offer custom Team Development trainings to suit the needs of your group. If you would like to learn more or request a Team Development training, visit the CATALYST App, select Team Development and complete the form.
Training in Action...
Other Resources
ePerformance Training
Cougar Rhetoric, Toastmasters Club
CRASE Training