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Interprofessional Summer Health Equity Research Program (iSHERP)

The 2024 Interprofessional Summer Health Equity Research Program (SHERP) offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in meaningful health equity research, receive mentorship, and collaborate in an interprofessional environment. SHERP provides a two-week mentored research experience. Students will work on research projects and activities guided by experienced mentors. The program includes didactic instructions, human subjects training, mentor-led research, and data labs, culminating in an in-person shark tank style event.

Key Features

Team Collaboration: Students will work in interprofessional teams to conduct research and present their findings and novel ideas to peers, senior researchers, and the community.

Two Week Intensive Research Experience: Students are able to quickly learn how to analyze data and answer research questions that can be shaped into further scholarly work.

Funding for Participants:Each participant will receive a $1,000 stipend upon successful completion of the program.

Opportunity to Fund Conference RegistrationThe winning team will split a prize of $2,500, which can be used for registration to a regional/national conference where they will present their work.

Opportunities to Publish Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts: Participants will have the option of continuing the work with their team after the program is complete. Previous year’s participants have co-authored published work and presented poster presentations on the work begun during the program.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Enrollment in a graduate program at the University of Houston
  • Commitment to actively participating in the program for the full duration.

Application Process: Prospective fellows should complete the application at the link below.

  • Interested students should complete the application at the link below.
  • The application consists of 2 paragraphs about your experience working on interprofessional teams and why you would like to work on the topic of your choice.

2024 Application Period Status: Closed

iSherp Program Flyer

Competition Invitation

2023 SHERP Video