Compendium of books by EAS faculty:
Margaret S. Bishop  |
Subsurface Mapping Wiley & Sons 1960 ISBN: N/A Editions: 1
Earth History Charles E. Merrill 1976 ISBN: N/A Editions: 1
An Outline for Geology Earth Sci. Outline Co. 1966 ISBN: N/A Editions: 1
Erosion Merrill 1976 ISBN: 978-067502459 Editions: 1
Focus on Earth Science Merrill 1969-1981 ISBN: 978-0675025164 Editions: 4
The Atmosphere & Hydrosphere Merrill 1976 ISBN: 978-0675026680 Editions: 1
Earth's Matter & Origin Merrill 1976 ISBN: 978-0675024587 Editions: 1
Milton B. Dobrin  |
Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting McGraw-Hill College 1988 ISBN: 9780070171961 Editions: 4 |
Robert E. Sheriff  |
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Geophyics SEG Pub. 1973 ISBN: 9780931830037 Editions: 1. Iss.: 13
Applied Geophyics Cambridge Univ. Press 1990 ISBN: 9780521339384 Editions: 2
Seismic Stratigraphy Springer Science & Business Media 1980 ISBN: 9789401163958 Editions: 3
Reservoir Geophyics SEG Pub. 1992 ISBN: 9781560800576 Editions: 1
Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data Amer. Assn. Petro. Geologists 1982
ISBN: 9789992573945 Editions: 1
Exploration Seismology Cambridge Univ. Press 1995
ISBN: 9780521468268 Editions: 2
Problems in ExplorationSeismology and their Solutions SEG Books 2014 ISBN: 9780931830471 Editions: 1. Iss.: 14
John Castagna  |
Offset Dependent Reflectivity-Theory and Practice of AVO SEG 1993 ISBN: 9781560800590 Editions: 8 |
AVO SEG 2014 ISBN: 9781560803195 Editions: 16 |
Arthur Weglein  |
Multiple Attenuation (Geophysics Reprint 24) SEG 2005 ISBN: 9781560801313 |
Seismic Imaging and Inversion: Vol. 1 Cambridge University Press 2012 ISBN: 9781107014909 Editions: 1 |
Kurt Marfurt  |
Seismic Attributes for Prospect ID and Reservoir Characterization SEG Geophysical Developments 2007 ISBN: 9781560801412 Editions: 1 |
Henry Chafetz  |
Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time SEPM Spec. Publ. 2012 ISBN: 9781565763142 Editions: 1 |
Leon Thomsen  |
Understanding Seismic Anisotropy in Exploration and Exploitation SEG 2014 ISBN: 9781560803263 Editions: 2 |
Christopher L. Liner  |
Elements of 3D Seismology Pennwell Pub. 2004 ISBN: 9781593700157 Editions: 2 |
Elements of Seismic Disperson... SEG Pub. 2012 ISBN: 9781560802914 Editions: 1 |
J.Wellner  |
Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula (Special Publications) AGU 2011 ISBN: 9780875907345 Vol. 1 |
Antarctic Oceanography in a Changing World, eds., Hugh Ducklow, Alejandro Orsi, and Julia S. Wellner*, 2012, special volume of Oceanography, v. 25, n. 3, 236 p.
Hua-Wei Zhou  |
Practical Seismic Data Analysis Cambridge Univ. Press 2014 ISBN: 9780521199100 Editions: 1 |
Colin M. Sayers  |
Geophysics Under Stress Society of Exploration Geophysicists and European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers ISBN: 978-1-56080-210-5 (online): 978-1-56080-212-9, DOI: 10.1190/1.9781560802129
William Sager  |
The Mesozoic Pacific : Geology, Tectonics, and Volcanism American Geophysical Union 1993 ISBN: 9780875900360 Editions: 1
The Origin, Evolution, and Environmental Impact of Oceanic Large Igneous Provinces Geological Society of America 2015 ISBN: 9780813725116 Editions: 1
Paul Mann  |
AAPG Bulletin Special Issue: Petroleum systems of the Eastern Cordillera... AAPG 2015
Petroleum Geology and Potential of the Colombian Caribbean Margin AAPG 2015 ISBN: 0891813888 Editions: 1
Lithospheric evolution of Cenozoic UHP terranes: From convergence to extension AGU 2015 Vol. 16, iss. 11
Charles Sternbach  |
Giant Fields of the Decade: 2010-2020 AAPG 2021