Inviting J-1 Exchange Visitors to UH
This information is intended for general guidance only. If you need further assistance or can’t find the answers you need below, please email Juanette Davis ( or contact our main office at (713-743-5065) or by email (
How can I invite a J-1 International Scholar or Student to UH?
The first step to inviting a J-1 scholar or student (J-1 Exchange Visitor) to UH is to figure out the correct J-1 category. The J-1 program has many different category choices and UH has been approved for the ones listed below:
- J-1 Short-Term Scholar
- J-1 Research Scholar
- J-1 Professor
- J-1 Student Intern
- J-1 Non-Degree
- J-1 Student (Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate)
You can use this diagram to figure out the best choice and which category will fit what you are seeking.
Once you have selected the correct category to invite the student or scholar, you can download the DS-2019 Request form below. If you are bringing someone on a J-1 Student Intern, please use the secondary form.
- DS-2019 Request Form for Research Scholar/Professor, Short-Term Scholar, and Student categories
- DS-2019 Request Form for Student Intern category
If it’s a J-1 student who will be working on-campus, please fill this form as well: Work On-Campus.
The DS-2019 Request Form must be approved by the University of Houston department. Consequently, its use is limited to the University of Houston faculty and staff. It must be signed by the appropriate persons indicated on the form. Once completed it must be submitted to our office with the appropriate service fee. This form can also be downloaded for informational purposes only.
The DS-2019 request form requires you to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to properly download and fill out. After filling out the form, please print it, get the necessary signatures, and include the attached form with the applicable fee through the SC Voucher system. If the DS-2019 request is for J-1 Student category (not Student intern), you can directly email the completed documents to without a fee payment.
Additional Information regarding J-1 Research Scholar and Professor Categories:
- For a Researcher – On Item 12, select the Research Scholar category on the DS-2019 Request form
- For an Instructor/Professor – On Item 12, select the Professor category on the DS-2019 Request form
- For someone doing both teaching and research – On Item 12, choose the category that will occupy most of the J-1 visitor’s time on the DS-2019 Request form
- J-1 researchers with staff jobs must comply with UH Staff requirements. All staff positions (including research staff) must be posted through the Human Resources job posting system (OJS)
A completed Visa Candidate Affiliation and Deemed Export Assessment form reviewed by the UH Export Control Office is required for all non-J-1 Student categories. The form may be accessed in DocuSign in the Compliance shared folder. After you submit the forms via DocuSign to UH Export Control Office, then you can request an approval signature. You may contact Angelica Grado-Wright, J.D., the Export Control Officer if you have any questions. Tel: 713-743-9662; Email:
Once you have submitted a DS-2019 Request to ISSSO. Our office will do the following:
- Generate a PS ID number for the J-1 and his/her J-2 dependent(s)
- Generate the DS-2019 form and provide an information packet for the department to pick up and send to the student or scholar
Once you have received the information and sent the documents to the student or scholar, they will then pay the SEVIS fee payment ( and fill out the appropriate DS-160 form and apply for the J-1 Visa. This process can take between 4-8 weeks. You can include an invitation letter for the student or scholar to use for their VISA appointment. Here’s a sample invitation letter.
Once the student or scholar enters the U.S., they will report to ISSSO for check-in and be scheduled for a mandatory J-1 orientation.
Additional FAQ's
He or she may remain at UH for a maximum of five years, as long as he or she has a valid DS-2019 and continues to perform activities consistent with the specific program objectives.
For J-1 "repeat exchange visitors" program periods must be less than six months, or the exchange visitor must wait one year outside the U.S. before they may begin a new program.
Consider and beware of the 212e Two-Year Home Country Present Requirement! Some J-1 Exchange Visitors have this requirement which prevents a J-1 from changing to another status, like H-1B or F-1. A J-1 can apply for a waiver of the requirement which takes around 5-7 months on average. However, once the waiver is approved no more J-1 program extensions are permitted and the J-1 must immediately apply for a change of status. Timing is a real consideration in this scenario.
Think of starting with the H-1B, instead of the J-1. The H-1B status enables an international to remain in the U.S. for as long as six years if he or she is working with the entity indicated on his or her valid H-1B approval notice. Contact the Immigration Specialist in the Office of the General Counsel if you want to process an H-1B for a University of Houston position.
Yes, but "the payments [honoraria and reimbursement of incidental expenses] must be made by an institution of higher education or a nonprofit or governmental research organization and must be made for academic-related services provided to that institution. The services cannot exceed 9 days and the person has not accepted such payments from more than 5 institutions in the previous six-months."