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About the Dean

F. Lamar Pritchard, Ph.D., R.Ph.
UHCOP Dean and Professor
Humana Endowed Dean's Chair in Pharmacy

Contact Dean Pritchard:, 713-743-6733

F. Lamar Pritchard, Ph.D., R.Ph., was named Dean of the University of Houston College of Pharmacy by UH President & UH System Chancellor Renu Khator in July 2009 and confirmed by the UH System Board of Regents in August 2009.

Under Dean Pritchard's leadership, the college has:

  • Completed construction of its new, state-of-the-art home in the nine-story, 300,000-square-foot Health 2
  • Achieved an 11-year mean first-time passing rate of 98.2% — 5th highest in the nation — on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination® for graduates taking the exam from 2009 to 2019
  • Increased its research funding from $3.43 million in Fiscal Year 2013 to $12.87 million in Fiscal Year 2019 (22nd highest in nation for FY19, per AACP);
  • Established the nation's first Pharmacy Certificate Program in Hispanic Health Care
  • Launched the Rio Grande Valley Pharm.D. Satellite Program in collaboration with DHR Health (formerly Doctors Hospital at Renaissance) in Edinburg, Texas
  • Developed new interprofessional education partnerships with such institutions as Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Woman's University
  • Established new clinical and experiential education collaborations with such organizations as Vecino Health Center's Denver Harbor Family Clinic, a Federally Qualified Health Center, Texas Children's Health Plan (TCHP), and DHR Health
  • Procured $41 million in additional funding support from the State of Texas
  • Established the College’s first Endowed Professorships and Chairs – 8 Professorships, including a departmental chair-designated professorship, and 1 Chair to date
  • U.S. News & World Report National Pharmacy Program Ranking increased from #51 (2009) to #31 (2021)

Many of these achievements represent progress on the strategic imperatives developed in the college's Vision 2020 Strategic Plan, with the Vision 2030 Strategic Plan aimed at expanding on these successes. Pritchard also led the college through three regular national accreditation reviews by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). As part of the accreditation process, each review cycle includes the development and adoption of a Self-Study Report by college stakeholders (faculty, staff, students and alumni) and site visits by ACPE-appointed evaluators.

At UH, Dean Pritchard serves on the UH Medical Education Committee and the UH College of Medicine Internal Advisory Committee. Outside of UH, he represents the college on the Pharmacy Executives Council of the Texas Medical Center and the Texas Pharmacy Congress. He also serves on the Clinical & Administrative Advisory Committee of the Texas Children's Health Plan and the editorial board of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Research.

Before joining UH, Pritchard served as Professor and Dean of the University of Louisiana at Monroe College of Pharmacy from August 2005 to July 2009 and as Professor and Dean of the ULM College of Health Sciences and School of Pharmacy from July 2004 to July 2005.

In his positions of Regional Associate Director and Medical Science Manager at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pritchard provided medical science and research support and targeted research initiatives for medical academic/research centers throughout the East Coast.

As a faculty member at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, his research interests included disease state management, outcomes research and quality management. His Phar-Serv-Qual pharmacy services quality assessment instrument has been used in six countries.

A fourth generation pharmacist with experience in community, hospital and clinical settings, Pritchard received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and his Ph.D. in Pharmacy Administration from the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy in Athens, Ga.

Pritchard's past recognition and honors include serving on the boards of the Louisiana and Georgia state pharmacists associations and Robert C. Wilson Pharmaceutical Association (as well as President and Vice President terms) and recipient of the Bristol Myers Squibb Vision Award for Leadership, Bristol Myers Squibb President's Award, and the Wal-Mart True Visionary Award.