Student Feature: Adam Siddique

Leading by Design
Pharm.D. Candidate Adam Siddique Charts Course Toward Leadership Career by Seeking Out Growth Opportunities and Experiences
University of Houston College of Pharmacy Pharm.D. candidate Adam Siddique has used his love for learning and leadership to elevate his journey through pharmacy school to the highest level.
"At the core of it all, my passion for leadership 100% stems from my desire to empower others to perform to the best of their ability," Siddique said. "I have had so many mentors pour into me throughout pharmacy school, which played a crucial role in understanding and unlocking my own capabilities."
Although he entered his P1 year at UHCOP with his mind set on acquiring the requisite skills sets to excel in leadership roles, Siddique said he also knew he had a daunting journey ahead of him.
"Leadership was not something that came naturally to me as I began pharmacy school, and my growth since then has helped me appreciate the significance of helping others realize the leader within themselves, which comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes," Siddique said.
Eager to Serve, Learn
Within the college, Siddique served as the 2022-23 Pharmacy Council President and on the Dean's Student Advisory Council, a 2022-23 Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP) Student Section Executive Committee member, a senior podcast host of the student-run Never Generic Podcast in 2022-23, and a member of Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society and Student National Pharmaceutical Association.
Siddique's future-focused mentality also helped prepare him for consecutive first-place team wins in the TSHP Leadership Challenge in 2022 and 2023 and becoming a member of the 2023-24 Houston Methodist Hospital's Longitudinal Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Program cohort.
Eager to maintain his learning and growth trajectory, Siddique earned an appointment to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 2023-24 Pharmacy Student Forum National Executive Board.
During the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition in December, Siddique and fellow executive committee members explored what improvements could be made to the organization’s structure and the resources provided to students as they navigate their pharmacy education. Utilizing his expertise and past experiences with ASHP, Siddique also liaises with the Career and Leadership Development advisory group, providing guidance on how ASHP can meet the unique needs of pharmacy students across the country.
GCSHP Recognition
Most recently recognized with the Gulf Coast Society of Health-System Pharmacists (GCSHP) Outstanding Student Award for 2023, Siddique has been active in GCSHP through such events as annual game night and volunteering with the food bank. With one of his peers, Siddique also co-authored a critical care-based article that was published in a recent GCSHP newsletter.
He also utilized networking socials and continuing education sessions to further connect with other student members and pharmacy professionals, along with clinical learning opportunities and engaging in professional development.
"I never turned down the opportunity to make a new connection and if there was ever an event that I thought was interesting, I would make it a point to go and learn more," Siddique said.
Next-level Development
Siddique's next goal is to secure placement in a Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL) program, such as The Houston Program's collaborative M.S./PGY1-PG2 HSPAL residency program between UHCOP and seven fellow Texas Medical Center institutions.
Siddique said the HSPAL application process has loved reaffirmed his passion for leadership and connecting with his future peers. Yet, quick to acknowledge that he did not get here alone, Siddique said he counts himself blessed with the many mentors he's encountered throughout his pharmacy journey.
"Specifically, Dr. Divya Varkey, current and previous residents within The Houston Program, and Dr. Kimberly Nguyen have all guided me throughout my leadership development and pointed me towards a leadership path where I could really put my best foot forward at all times," Siddique said. "It is my mission to use my passion for leadership to constantly redefine what it means to provide exceptional patient-centered care and push the boundaries of what we are capable of achieving within the pharmacy profession."
As for students unsure of their ultimate goals, Siddique advises them to find mentors, get involved and network. He also says that viewing failure as part of the learning process can relieve “burdensome anxiety” and prevent himself from getting in his own way.
"At the end of the day I believe it is important to try, fail, and try again rather than never had tried and regretted it down the line," Siddique said.