College News

No. 1 in Texas, Top 10 in Nation
UHCOP Graduates Post Highest Pass Rate in Texas for 3rd Consecutive Year on National Licensure Exam
February 28 — In the newly released 2019 results from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), University of Houston College of Pharmacy Pharm.D. graduates achieved the highest pass rate in Texas for the third consecutive year — and a top 10 place in the nation — on the national licensure exam to practice professional pharmacy in the U.S.
According the NABP report, UHCOP graduates achieved a 97.58% first-time pass rate on the North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) for the reported period in 2019. The national pass rate for the same period was 88.34% among all 117 Pharm.D. programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Among the top 10 Pharm.D. programs with 100 or more test-takers in 2019, UHCOP ranked second in the nation.
"The Class of 2019 had its share of disruptions and adjustments, from Hurricane Harvey to settling in to our new classrooms and laboratories in Health 2, but not surprisingly, our students, faculty and staff rallied to ensure continuation of the UHCOP culture of educating and training practice-ready professionals committed to lifelong learning, innovative research and improving patient care outcomes," said F. Lamar Pritchard, Ph.D., R.Ph., UHCOP Dean and Humana Endowed Dean's Chair in Pharmacy.
UHCOP graduates achieved first-time NAPLEX pass rates of 97.39% in 2018 (vs. the national average of 89.46%) and 99.05% in 2017 (vs. the national average of 86.28%), as reported by the NABP. In addition to ranking the highest in the state, the college's pass rate in 2017 was the third highest in the nation.