Research News

UHCOP Claims 30th for Research
College Inches Up in Both Total, NIH Research Expenditures in FY21 Rankings by AACP
July 15 — The University of Houston College of Pharmacy's research rankings in both expenditures from all sources and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) exclusively during Fiscal Year 2021 increased to 30th place among 111 U.S. academic pharmacy institutions ranked in a new report by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).
From the period Oct. 1, 2020, to Sept. 31, 2021, the college's total research expenditures were $10.3 million from all sources (including federal, state, non-profit and private organizations), $7.0 million of which was exclusively from NIH grants.
New NIH grants awarded in FY21 included the start of multi-year funding for geriatric medication safety symposia (Rajender Aparasu); metformin for weight control in pediatric patients on psychiatric medications (Hua Chen); degrader probes for necroptosis pathway (Gregory Cuny); and epigenetic regulation of signaling in arterial calcification and disease states (Yang Zhang).
"We're very proud to see our faculty members' success from their hard work developing high-quality proposals for high-impact projects aimed at finding innovative solutions to the persistent and often perplexing health challenges facing our communities," said Tahir Hussain, Ph.D., FAHA, FASN, UHCOP associate dean for Research & Graduate Programs, Joseph P. and Shirley Shipman Buckley Endowed Professor of Drug Discovery, and director of the Heart & Kidney Institute.