Giving News
Mading Society Induction
College Recognizes 7 New Members for Student Scholarship Support, 2 Red Coat Honorees for Milestone Giving
Oct. 9 — The University of Houston College of Pharmacy welcomed seven new members into the college's Mading Society of benefactors, along with recognizing two current members for milestone giving, at the society's 2024 Induction & Dinner Oct. 4 at Houston's Belltower on 34 Street.
The society was established in 1997 in memory of the college's first major benefactors, Cora and Reagan Webb Mading whose estate bequeathed $20,000 to the fledgling college upon his passing on 1953. During his life, Webb Mading was a prominent community pharmacy owner who built one of the largest chains of independent pharmacies in the greater Houston region and was known for insisting that children who came into his pharmacies be treated as respectfully as the adults.
Mading Society membership is conferred to individuals and couples with lifetime giving of $10,000 or more, and foundations and organizations with cumulative gifts of $20,000 or more. In addition, "Cougar Red Coat" honors are bestowed on Mading Society members whose cumulative giving reaches $100,000.
The 2024 inductees were:
Mark Bradford, R.Ph., chief operating officer of M Chest Pharmacy, who established the Robert "Bob" Bradford Scholarship Endowment with other family members and friends of his father, a member of the college's Class of 1961 who retired in 2019 after nearly six decades of community pharmacy practice.
Sujit S. Sansgiry, Ph.D., UHCOP professor, and Shubhada Sansgiry, Ph.D., chief of the Methodology and Analytics Core at the Houston VA Center for Innovation in Quality, Effectiveness, and Safety within the Michael E. Debakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, who created the Sujit Sansgiry Endowed Scholarship for members of the UHCOP student chapters of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy and the Industry Pharmacists Organization as well as the Shubhada & Sujit Sansgiry Graduate Student Endowed Scholarship for the top second- and third-year Ph.D. students in the Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy Concentration.
Dominic Vu, Pharm.D. ('11), senior vice president at USI Insurance, and Christine Nguyen Vu, M.S., PCCARx R&D development manager, who have directed their support to the college's 75th Anniversary Scholarship Fund.
Louis Williams, UHCOP associate professor, and Sandra Williams, a retired educator, whose support includes gifts to the Louis Williams Scholarship Endowment, the annual golf tournament scholarship fund that he co-founded, and many other areas of need in the college.
In addition, Mading Society members Doug Eikenburg, UHCOP professor emeritus, and Kathy Ryan, retired oil-and-gas industry manager, were presented with "Cougar Red Coats" in honor of milestone giving. Among their areas of support are the Doug Eikenburg Endowed Professorship in CNS Neuropharmacology as well as team, hole and prize sponsorships at the annual scholarship golf tournament.