College News

College Accreditation
ACPE Approves Continuation of UHCOP Pharm.D. Program's Status into 2033
Feb. 20 — The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Board of Directors has designated the UHCOP Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) professional degree program as compliant across all ACPE standards, with accreditation extended through June 30, 2033.
ACPE is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as the national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs in pharmacy. UHCOP has maintained continuous accreditation since it was first awarded to the college in 1950, only days before the first class of students were to graduate and the first college at UH to earn national accreditation.
As part of the reaccreditation process, UHCOP started its self-study process in January 2023 and submitted the document 18 months later. The Self-Study report represents a comprehensive review of the didactic, experiential, professional development, personal wellbeing and other programs and activities within the Pharm.D. curriculum. It also presents an extensive survey of operational and administrative functions of the college, including finances, infrastructure, personnel, and other resources, as well as its relationship with the university.
"Delivering a high-quality educational experience for our students takes a team effort, and completion of the self-study is an extension of that effort," said Matthew A. Wanat, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCCP, FCCM, UHCOP clinical professor and faculty self-study chair. "We drew upon the knowledge and experience with our program from college leadership and administrators, faculty and staff from across all departments and offices, alumni, preceptors and students to present an honest, all-encompassing review of how we prepare the next generation of leaders in the profession."
Following submission of the self-study, a team of evaluators conducted a thorough on-site review that included interviews with various groups of faculty, alumni, preceptors, and students.
"Reaccreditation is essential to demonstrating our teaching, research and service commitment to our current and prospective students, alumni and friends," said F. Lamar Pritchard, Ph.D., R.Ph., UHCOP dean and Humana Endowed Chair in Pharmacy. "I'm very proud of the tremendous work being done every day by our faculty, staff, alumni and preceptors in delivering high-quality, innovative education and training to develop future pharmacists who are keenly focused on improving patient health outcomes and continuous learning."