Student News

Regional Rewards
APhA-ASP Chapter Takes Operation Heart Award, Watson Elected Member At-large at Region 6 Midyear Regional Meeting
UH College of Pharmacy's American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) secured the Operation Heart Award as well as celebrated the election of one of its members as Regional Member At-large at the Region 6 Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM) Oct. 30-Nov. 1 in Kansas City, Mo.
The award for Operation Heart, one of several initiatives promoted by the national APhA-ASP organization and implemented through local chapters, recognized the UHCOP chapter's work during the 2013-14 academic year. Through collaborative events with non-profit organizations and private entities across the Greater Houston area, the chapter provided nearly 2,000 blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol screenings, body mass index measurements and seasonal flu immunizations.
In addition, the chapter's heart-health education efforts impacted tens of thousands more through student-delivered radio and TV public service announcements and one-on-one engagements as well as guided tours through a giant inflatable walk-through heart display.
By winning the Region 6 award, the UHCOP chapter is among eight regional chapters eligible for the National Operation Heart Award or one of two Runners-up honors at the 2016 APhA-ASP national meeting held in conjunction with the APhA Annual Meeting & Expo March 4-7 in Baltimore, Md.
The UHCOP APhA-ASP chapter also saw second-year Pharm.D. student and current chapter President-elect Katrina Watson elected as Region 6 Member At-large at the MRM.
According to the APhA-ASP website, regional at-large officers "work to ensure adequate communication between chapters in regards to membership, patient care, and APhA-ASP/IPSF activities. The Regional Member-at-large position provides student pharmacists with opportunities to increase their involvement within APhA-ASP on a regional and national level, interact with students and practitioners from across the country, and impact the future of pharmacy through active involvement in APhA-ASP."
"I'm very thankful for the support of the entire chapter and the faith that our members have in me being able to hold both positions," Watson said, adding that she intends to run for a national office. "I'm excited about the opportunity increase communication within our region, especially through social media channels, and do more to promote the great ideas and projects from the chapters and members in the region."
In addition, Pharm.D. candidate and Immediate Past President of the chapter Ashley Trojcak was recognized at the MRM as the UHCOP APhA-ASP's Outstanding Chapter Member.
"Ashley has been selected for the student recognition award because she truly embodies the definition of an inspirational student pharmacist," current Chapter President Erin McGregor said. "Ashley has served as a mentor to every single officer within the chapter and has gone above and beyond to ensure the success of her predecessors as well as her classmates. Through her passion for patient care and willingness to teach those around her, Ashley has made a lasting impact on the UH APhA-ASP chapter."