Student News

9-11 Day of Service
College of Pharmacy Students Join UH 9-11 Day of Service Sept. 12 to Pack More Than 30,000 Meals at Houston Food Bank
UH College of Pharmacy students rolled up their sleeves to join fellow Cougar volunteers at the Houston Food Back as part of the University of Houston's participation in the 9-11 National Day of Service and Remembrance on Saturday, Sept. 12.
The UH contingent worked four and one-half hours at the helped assemble more than 30,000 meals and packed nearly 5,400 backpacks at the event.

UHCOP team leader and second-year Pharm.D. student Jeffrey Ibarguen said he and his fellow students were eager to help out.
"According the Houston Food Bank, about 1 in 3 Houstonians will experience hunger, and most children who live at or below the poverty line will go hungry over the weekend because there is no free and reduced lunch after the weekday," Ibarguen said."Hearing these statistics inspired SNPhA and Kappa Psi members to take action and lend a helping hand in feed Houston’s hungry families and individuals."
Ibarguen added that pharmacists have a keen interest in the role of nutrition in patient care.
"With flu and allergy season here, children needing antibiotics, antivirals or other medications will need to be hydrated and well-nourished while taking these medications," he said.