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Tuition Rebate

The University of Houston offers a tuition rebate of $1,000 to undergraduate students who graduate having met the requirements for eligibility.  Eligible students are Texas residents who attempt no more than three semester hours in excess of the minimum number required for their first baccalaureate degree. Students must graduate within four calendar years for four-year degrees, and within five calendar years for five-year degrees such as the Bachelor of Architecture.

Students must apply for Tuition Rebate before graduating. The deadline requires that the rebate request form must be submitted prior to the close of term in which the student completes their first baccalaureate degree.

Am I eligible for the Tuition Rebate?

Complete this CHECKLIST to determine your eligibility.
You must meet all of the following requirements in order to be eligible for the tuition rebate.
Check with your academic advisor if you are not sure about the answers to some of the requirements.

  1. __Yes ___ No   I enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997 semester or later. 
  2. __Yes ___ No   I am receiving my first baccalaureate degree from a general academic teaching institution. (Students receiving a second bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree are not eligible for the rebate.) 
  3. __Yes ___ No   I have attempted no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree requirements from the catalog under which I am graduating. (Check with your academic advisor if you’re not sure.)
    • Note that hours attempted include:
      • Transfer credits
      • Course credit earned exclusively by examination (the first 9 hours are not counted in the attempted hours.)
      • Courses dropped after the official census date (these courses may appear as a “W” on the transcript – if you have more than one “W’ you may be over hours.)
      • Optional internship and cooperative education courses
      • Repeated courses
  4. __Yes ___ No   I am a resident of Texas.
  5. __Yes ___ No   I have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  6. __Yes ___ No   If enrolled for the first time in fall 2005 or later: I am graduating within four calendar years for a four-year degree. (or I am graduating within five calendar years for a five-year degree.)
  7. __Yes ___ No   I am applying for the tuition rebate prior to receiving the baccalaureate degree. (If your degree has already been awarded it is too late to apply.)
  8. __Yes ___ No   I have answered yes to all of these requirements.

If you have answered YES to all the requirements above, then: 


To access the application form, you will need to sign in using your CougarNet ID and password using this format: (e.g.

If you are re-applying or unable to access the application formplease contact for assistance.

The rebate form will close at the end of each semester.
If you are graduating next semester, return to this page to apply after the next semester starts.