News & Information from UH
Here are some items of interest from the University of Houston:
A Game to the Rescue

The UH College of Technology combined forces with a Sugar Land startup to create a sophisticated cybersecurity video game with a very serious purpose.
Read MoreSustainable Energy Development

Energy professionals must be informed and equipped for an industry that is in transition. UH Energy’s new Sustainable Energy Development Program answers this need. Designed and presented by leaders from industry and accomplished faculty from UH, the program provides a structured series of micro-credentials that cover the changing energy landscape and build the skills to succeed in it.
UH Energy WebsiteBusiness Help On Demand

The University of Houston Small Business Development Center (SBDC), a part of the UH Bauer College of Business, is offering a series of on-demand webinars to grow and manage your business.
Bauer WebsiteFree Through July 31

To help reduce community spread of COVID-19, the University of Houston College of Medicine has launched an online contact tracing certificate program for anyone interested in becoming a “disease detective.” “Population Health During a Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond” is available to the public FOR FREE on Coursera until July 31. Register now!
College of Medicine Website