UH’s Technology Bridge is named so because it works to bridge the divide between inventor and entrepreneur, faculty and startup founder, and now: Houston’s startup ecosystem and, well, the world.
The Technology and Entrepreneur Community of Houston (TECH) Map was developed by UH to showcase Houston's innovation ecosystem to the world. In an effort to raise awareness of early-stage companies and their technologies, TECH Map increases connectivity across our innovation community.
"This kind of tool — it really tells you where innovation is happening, it's not just in the startup development organizations,” Lindsay Lewis, executive director of communications for the UH Division of Research, told Innovation Map. "It's amazing to see that it's happening all over the city."
The groundbreaking tool is live on Houston Exponential’s homepage and the City of Houston’s Innovation Portal. It’s free for everyone and easy to access. The Division of Research’s strategic
communications team developed the tool by compiling data from startups and engaging
in heavy research to find and add organizations to the map.
To be represented on the map, click here.
What makes this tool so special is that it doesn’t just feature UH-centric startups. Rather, it works as a collaborative hub through which any local startup organization can make itself known to the world.
"For us, it was a balance between trying to show the story of Houston and where innovation is happening and aggregating, but what we didn't want to do was be a replacement. We wanted this to be a resource for an individual starting point," Chris Taylor, executive director for the Tech Bridge, told Innovation Map. "The biggest challenge for most people is you really don't know where to start."