Energy, in all its forms, was center stage at the 2024 Energy Day Festival, and University Houston – The Energy University – was in the middle of it all.
The event is Houston’s largest energy-centric free festival and highlights the growing importance of renewable energy and the exciting careers available in the critical science, technology, engineering and mathematic (STEM) fields. Drawing thousands of K-12 students and families from across the Houston area, attendees engaged in interactive STEM exhibits, learning about renewable energy, space exploration, robotics, and more.
UH Physics, the Cullen College of Engineering, UH STEM Center, Texas Center for Superconductivity and more provided kids with an opportunity to get an inside look into the world of energy with hands on activities in energy transfer and momentum, superconductivity and chemical reactions.
In addition to STEM-focused exhibits, the festival also featured entertainment, with music, food vendors and an awards ceremony, which is part of the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP) highlighting academic competitions to inspire young students to pursue careers in STEM fields.
UH Vice President for Energy and Innovation Ramanan Krishnamoorti said Energy Day is a great way to build on our mission of education and engagement with the broader public and to share the latest advances to ensure affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for all.
“UH Energy has been a pioneering participant at Energy Day and has enjoyed a strong partnership with the Consumer Energy Alliance,” Krishnamoorti said. “The engagement of faculty colleagues, staff and most importantly our students with the greater Houston community have been truly amazing, and those efforts are a demonstration of what it takes to be a UH Cougar.”
Founded in 2011, Energy Day is hosted by the Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF) and the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA). These organizations joined forces to celebrate STEM careers in the energy industry and highlight career possibilities.
Energy Day Founder and President of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) David Holt emphasized how important the festival is to bridging the gap between STEM fields and the Houston youth.
“Houston is the energy capital of the world, so it all incubates here,” Holt said. “With the University of Houston being the Energy University, they are helping to lead the way.”
With the collaboration between industry leaders, educators, and the community, Energy Day continues to cultivate a vibrant environment that makes STEM education accessible and fun for all ages and continues to inspire the next generation of innovators in Houston and beyond.
“As a founding partner of Energy Day, this is our twelfth year of showing students the fun side of STEM while highlighting the amazing career opportunities available in the energy industry,” said Rachel Edwards, CEA’s director of media and public relations. “From becoming an engineer to sending rockets into space, there’s so much you can do with STEM education.”