CO2 Pipelines Explained
Report: Carbon Dioxide Pipelines Explained: Critical Role in Responding to Climate Change
Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the atmosphere have led governments and industry to begin to adopt a wide range of approaches to the issue. Regardless of whether captured from industrial emissions sources or directly from the air (or the ocean), the CO₂ must be used for some productive purpose or sequestered underground. Technologies capable of capturing, and using or sequestering CO₂ exist, making the ability to transport it from the point of capture to the point of use or sequestration a critical component. There are a range of approaches to solving this transportation issue, but the use of dedicated pipelines is one of the most common.
This paper draws upon authoritative sources, including the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), academic research and publications, and established industry associations and aims to present:
A factual overview of carbon dioxide (CO₂) pipelines, elucidating their purpose, types,
components, and their integral role in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).
An exploration of safety, environmental, and health considerations in the construction
and operation of CO₂ pipelines, including incident history and lessons learned.
Potential impacts on communities that are in the path of a proposed CO₂ pipeline project.
The regulatory landscape in place and industry best practices that pipeline operators,
including CO₂ pipeline operators, use in managing the risks for safer, environmentally
sound, and community friendly operations.
The benefits and challenges inherent to CO₂ pipelines.
A growing number of CCUS projects are expected to come online over the next decade,
causing a related growth in pipelines to transport the captured carbon dioxide to
its final destination. This paper is intended to help people whose communities are
in the path of a proposed project better understand why these pipelines are needed,
what risks their construction and operation may pose, and what can be done to ensure
the safety of the surrounding environment and communities.
Key Findings
- CO₂ pipelines boast a wide capacity range, from 890 tons to 103,000 tons per day, surpassing shipping (46,000 tons per vessel) and rail (80 to 83 tons per railcar). Furthermore, these pipelines ensure uninterrupted operations, running 24/7 for a consistent flow of CO₂.
- Pipelines aren’t without risk, however, including challenges to pipeline integrity, such as corrosion, fractures, external damage, and pipe joint and weld failures. Additional risks can arise from soil or geological conditions, including landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and flooding.
- Leaks and ruptures can send CO₂ into the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and posing risks to the environment, including habitat loss, displacement of species, and potential imbalances in local biodiversity, among other impacts on plant and animal life, soil composition, and aquatic systems.
- CO₂ is colorless and odorless, making it more difficult to detect a leak before high concentrations displace oxygen in the air, exposing workers, nearby communities, and first responders to the associated health risks. Respiratory issues due to oxygen deprivation can have severe health consequences, including unconsciousness, respiratory distress, and even death. While a database maintained by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration reported no deaths associated with a CO₂ pipeline between 2003 and 2022; a much-publicized 2020 pipeline rupture in Mississippi sent 45 people to the hospital.
- Other hazards include dry ice, which can form when leaking CO₂ cools rapidly and freezes moisture in the air; noise pollution from associated compressors, pumps, and other equipment; and air pollution, primarily related to dust during the construction phase.
- Rigorous measures can offset the risks, including robust pressure monitoring and control systems to prevent pressure buildup within the pipeline, the installation of pressure relief valves and safety mechanisms that automatically activate in case of excessive pressure, and regular inspections and maintenance of pressure management equipment.
- Other measures to mitigate harm include continuous monitoring of CO₂ concentrations in and around pipeline facilities using advanced sensors, installing early warning systems to alert when concentrations exceed safe levels, and conducting regular safety drills to educate workers, nearby communities, and first responders to recognize the signs of oxygen deficiency and what to do in the event of exposure.
- Federal regulations, overseen by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), govern the transportation of CO₂ and other hazardous materials, from pipeline construction and operation to maintenance and emergency response measures, including requirements to develop and implement plans in response to any spill or release.
- Other regulations relate to specific operational situations, including how pipelines cross rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and other bodies of water, intended to safeguard water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and the surrounding environment. Operators are required to conduct more rigorous inspections and testing for pipelines located in areas near schools, residential areas, hospitals, and urban population centers.
- Regular and rigorous inspections by both operators and regulators to ensure pipelines adhere to established standards throughout their life cycle. This includes monitoring construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning phases. Frequent inspections can help identify issues before they escalate into major incidents.
- Trace amounts of odorants (like the industry practice of adding traces of mercaptan to natural gas) should be added to CO₂ to ensure that any leak can easily be detected.
- PHMSA should update dispersion modelling standards to reflect the latest scientific research and technology, improving understanding of how leaks or ruptures might affect nearby communities.
- PHMSA should regularly review and assess the integrity management programs implemented by pipeline owners, including preventive and mitigative measures, emergency response plans, and incident reporting procedures. It should identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance.
- PHMSA should consider categorizing projects based on their potential impact. This could lead to establishing specific timelines and regulatory requirements tailored to the sensitivity of the project. Project segments in high consequence areas rightfully need additional scrutiny.
- PHMSA and pipeline operators should establish robust mechanisms for involving all relevant stakeholders throughout the pipeline life cycle. This includes pipeline owners, local communities, landowners, environmental groups, industry experts, and state regulatory agencies. Operators should proactively address concerns, provide information, and involve stakeholders in decision-making.
- Operators and contractors should establish and maintain rigorous quality assurance programs for construction and operation. All personnel should receive adequate training and certifications to perform their roles effectively and safely.
- Operators and regulators should embrace advances in pipeline technology, such as corrosion-resistant coatings, monitoring sensors, and automated inspection tools. A culture of continuous improvement to enhance safety and environmental performance should be established.
Paul Doucette, Hydrogen Program Officer, Division of Energy & Innovation, University of Houston Mohan Vedala, Research Assistant, UH Energy
Dr. Ramanan Krishnamoorti, Vice President for Energy and Innovation, University of Houston
Dr. Suryanarayanan Radhakrishnan, Managing Director, UH Energy, University of Houston
Jeannie Kever, Editor
Dr. Alan Rossiter, Executive Director, External Relations, UH Energy, University of Houston (retired)
Aparajita Datta, Research Assistant, UH Energy, and Doctoral Candidate, Political Science, University of Houston
UH Energy extends its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the following industry experts and community leaders, whose invaluable contributions have greatly enriched this research endeavor:
Dan Cole, Vice President of CCUS Commercial Development and Governmental Relations, Denbury, Inc
Marty Jorgensen, President, Barnard Pipeline, Inc.
Tony Straquadine, Executive Director, INGAA Foundation, Inc.
Mindy Green, Public Awareness Advisor, ExxonMobil
Josie Long, Consultant, Process Performance Improvement Consulting
Jim Saccone, Head of North America Sales, Industrial & Energy Technology, Baker Hughes
Alexander John Cruz, Technology Integration Leader, Baker Hughes
Jeff Branick, County Judge, Jefferson County, TX
Anne Gowan, Facilitator, Community Advisory Panel to Lyondell and Equistar
Diane Sheridan, Facilitator, Bay Area Community Advisory Panel
Sophia Cunningham, Vice President, Houston Energy Transition Initiative
Jane Stricker, Executive Director, Houston Energy Transition Initiative
Their expertise, insights, and dedication to advancing our understanding of critical energy topics have been instrumental to the success of this project. We are deeply thankful for their time, expertise, and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation in the field of energy.