UH Tech Innovation Showcase

30 of the University of Houston’s brightest faculty and student researchers presented their work during the Tech Innovation Showcase held Dec. 5. Hosted by the UH Division of Energy and Innovation’s Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation, the event allowed industry and academia to get an in-depth look at the world-changing developments happening within the heart of Houston’s innovation ecosystem.

The presentations ran the gamut of societal issues, with research centered on hydrogen, circularity, lithium-ion batteries, superconductivity, transportation infrastructure and more. 

“UH is a powerhouse in inventing and discovering new science, engineering and technology ideas, concepts, equipment and systems. We are a Top 100 patent producing university in the country,” said Ramanan Krishnamoorti, Vice President for Energy and Innovation. “The showcase allowed us to connect our inventions – and more importantly inventors – with industry subject matter experts, entrepreneurs and start-up leaders and capital managers to help shape the path to commercialization and make the necessary pivots.”

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Inventor/Patent Information: TBD