The John P. McGovern Endowed Lectureship in Family, Health, and Human Values
The late Dr. John P. McGovern generously endowed this lectureship in our College in 1999. A noted physician, teacher, and philanthropist, Dr. McGovern was nationally recognized for his contributions to medicine as well as his efforts in health education, diseases of lifestyle and drug addiction, and family values. His vision, energy, and support for such efforts constitute a legacy that will benefit our community for generations to come. The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is grateful to the McGovern Foundation for making possible this Lectureship, by which we can invite speakers with notable expertise in the areas of health and human values to the College and provide a forum for discussion of issues of concern to our society. It offers a great opportunity for dialogue between science, humanities, and social sciences, which the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences values.

Ruth E. Zambrana
Distinguished University Professor at the Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Director of the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity at the University of Maryland
Lecture Title: "Revisiting the Role of Family and Community Medicine"

Mollyann Brodie
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, Public Opinion and Survey Research at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Lecture Title: "Wither the Public and HCA Today? Insights from 12 years of polling on the Affordable Care Act and a quarter century of polling on healthcare"

Ruha Benjamin
Author, Activist
Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and Founding Director of the IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab
Lecture Title: "Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want"

David M. Oshinsky
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author, Historian, Public Health Expert
Director of the Division of Medical Humanities at NYU Langone Health and a Professor in the Department of History at NYU
Lecture Title: "The Frayed Safety Net: The Future of America’s Public Hospitals"

Sheryll D. Cashin
Scholar, Author, Commentator, Civil Rights Advocate and the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Law, Civil Rights and Social Justice at the Georgetown University Law Center
Lecture Title: "The Descendants: From Slavery to Jim Crow to Dark Ghettos, A Call for 21st Century Emancipation"

Martha Cotera
Author, Librarian, and Women’s Rights Activist
Lecture Title: “ Pasionarias of 1977: Latinas, Liberation, and Remaking Feminist Citizenship”
In celebration and commemoration of the 40 th Anniversary of the National Women’s Conference in Houston, TX.

Dr. Mark Anthony Neal
Professor of African & African-American Studies and of English
Director, Center for Arts, Digital Culture & Entrepreneurship (CADCE)
Duke University
Lecture Title: “’The Devil Wanna Put Me in a Bowtie’: Negotiating Black Masculinity in America”

Dr. Barbara H. Fiese
Professor and Director, Family Resiliency Center; The Pampered Chef, Ltd. Endowed Chair in Family Resiliency, Department of Human and Community Development, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Lecture Title: “Why Family Mealtime Matters: The Science and Politics of Food, Family, and Children’s Health”

Dr. Jennifer Glass
Barbara Bush Professor of Liberal Arts in the Department of Sociology and Research Associate in the Population Research Center at the University of Texas, Austin.
Lecture title: “Salary, Family, Climate: What Keeps Women Out of STEM Fields?”