Comparative Cultural Studies
News and Events
Spreading The Bible In Public Schools: How Texas's New Bluebonnet Reading Lessons Play Religious Favorites Thursday February 20th | 6:00 PM | Bates Law 240
University of Houston Caracol Archaeological Project members in Belize for the 2025 field season (from left to right): Nathan Womak, Cameron Castillo, Ruth Palla, Hannah Roark, Ryaan Ansari, Gabriela Saldana, Egor Anorov, and Dr. Arlen Chase
Discover Anthropology: Master’s Degree Information Session
Reconstructing Carnap Webinar Series
Congratulations! Ashlin Vance, Religious Studies major, has been admitted to Harvard Divinity School to pursue a Master of Theological Studies (MTS).
Congratulations! Dr. Nicholas De Genova awarded a fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) for 2024-25
Congratulations! Liberal Studies major Alyssa Green was awarded a Sumners Scholarship and nominated for The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
Congratulations! Anthropology MA student Kaira Mercer Jones wins Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award in the Social Sciences
Archaeological Field Trip Opportunity in Belize for Students
Congratulations! CCS Students Win 20% of Mellon Scholarships for 2023
Anthropology students publish their photography "Capturing Diversity in Houston’s Northside"
Anthropology MA students Molly Blanchard and Melissa DeRemer presented their research at UT-Austin conference
Congratulations! Dr's Arlen and Diane Chase have published a new co-edited book, Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change
Congratulations! Dr. Nicholas De Genova recognized among the world’s top 2% most influential researchers
Dr. Diane Chase reflects on lessons of ancient Mayan civilization
Congratulations! Dr. Rachel Afi Quinn has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) faculty fellowship for 2023-2024.
Liberal Studies lecturer Dr. Robert Tierney interviewed for CLASS podcast "Humanity Matters Most"
Dr. Dinah Hannaford interviewed on 2 podcasts about her new book, Aid and the Help
Congratulations! Dr. Sravana Borkataky-Varma has published a new co-edited volume on Living Folk Religions
Congratulations! Dr's. Sravana Borkataky-Varma & Christian Eberhart have published a co-edited volume on Religious Responses to Pandemics and Crises
Congratulations! Dr. Christian Eberhart has published a co-edited volume on ancient religious ideas of Covenant
Congratulations! Dr. Debarati Sen's book Everyday Sustainability awarded funding for open access
Congratulations! Dr. Dinah Hannaford has published a co-edited book, Opting Out: Women Messing with Marriage around the World
Congratulations! Dr. Nicholas De Genova recognized with CLASS Distinguished Faculty Award
Ethics & Normativity Seminar: “Democracy and Poverty: Hegel on the Importance of the Welfare State”
Ethics & Normativity Seminar: "Fichte on the Civic Duty to Work"
Ethics and Normativity Seminar: Hegel’s Externalist Epistemology of Empirical Knowledge
"How Mindfulness Can Help Students Achieve Academic Excellence and Improve Well-being"
Ethics and Normativity Seminar: "Retribution and Dignity"
CCS Symposium : The Rise of Neo-Fascism
Congratulations! Dr. Rachel Afi Quinn awarded book prize by the Latin American Studies Association
CCS hosted Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Ph.D. (Princeton) as a Scholar-in-Residence, April 25-29, 2022
Religious Studies major Audrey Gale Hall presented her Honors Thesis research to the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies.
Welcome to Comparative Cultural Studies
The Department of Comparative Cultural Studies (CCS) at University of Houston is an interdisciplinary department offering degree programs in Anthropology (BA, BS, MA) Liberal Studies (BA, BS), Religious Studies (BA) as well as undergraduate minors in Anthropology and Religious Studies. Collaboration across these programs enhances the strengths of each and encourages cross-cultural learning and understanding.
Students in CCS explore the historical and ongoing production of cultures and the ways in which cultural differences affect the political, social, economic and aesthetic relationships that shape human communities. CCS prepares students to understand and apply a comparative approach to cultural difference and change in a globalized world. Learn more...