Andrew Joseph Pegoda

Full-time Lecturer, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, with additional appointments in Religious Studies (Department of Comparative Cultural Studies) and in English
Ph.D., University of Houston
Office: Online only because of COVID-19
Ph.D., History, University of Houston
M.A., English, Arizona State University
M.A., History, University of Houston
B.A., History, University of Houston-Clear Lake
A.A., General Studies, Brazosport College
pedagogy, women’s studies, queer studies, cultural studies, religious studies, crip studies, race and racism, film, minority fiction, history and politics, historical memory, writing and editing, public scholarship
As of August 2022, about 100 publications, including academic essays, book reviews, course readers, encyclopedia entries, OpEds, and video essays. Current bylines include Cancerwise, Conditionally Accepted, The Conversation, The Daily Cougar, The Good Men Project, History News Network, Houston Chronicle, Houston Review of Books, Inside HigherEd, Merion West, Talking Points Memo, Time, and Washington Post.
Classes taught at the University of Houston:
ENGL 1301 First Year Writing I
ENGL 1302 First Year Writing II
ENGL 2315 Film and Literature
ENGL 2330 Writing in the Discipline of English
ENGL 4341 Queer Theory
HIST 3394 Selected Topics in United States History
RELS 3330 Christianity
RELS 3337 Theologies from the Margins
RELS 3339 Secularisms and Atheisms
RELS 3342 Religion, Politics, and History
RELS 3396 Selected Topics in Religious Studies
WGSS 2350 Introduction to Women’s Studies
WGSS 2360 Introduction to LGBT Studies
WGSS 3321 Gender in Transnational Perspective
WGSS 3322 Intersectionalities
WGSS 3360 Sexuality and Queer Theory
WGSS 3396 Selected Topics in LGBT Studies
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