Economics Graduate Computer Lab Information

Gain access.
You must obtain a CougarNet account in order to use the graduate computer lab in the department. To obtain a computer account at the University of Houston:
- Get a student ID card from the Welcome Center Suite 151
- Apply for computer accounts in MD Anderson Library, Tech Commons (you will need your student ID card). The three most useful types of accounts are:
- CougarNet
- Web account
You will need to obtain an email and CougarNet account as soon as possible. A Web account will be useful later when you start teaching and when you go on the job market. For more information:

Log on.
To log onto one of the computer lab (room 222M or 203M) machines you must enter your username and password. Make sure the domain is pointed to “CougarNet” (in the pull down menu). This will log you onto the University of Houston network. Each individual PC will have Microsoft Office and SAS installed on its hard drive. In addition, there are some other programs available (such as GAUSS, RATS, and STATA). Other programs are available for you to purchase through the University for use on your home computer. For pricing: look under “Software Downloads”.

Save properly.
All of your profile settings (desktop icons, for example) should be automatically maintained regardless of which computer you are using. So, when you log onto any computer in the lab your settings will be unchanged. You should NEVER save anything to the hard drive of any computer in the lab. You will have space allocated to you on your “H:” drive. You should save all of your work here, and you will be able to access it from any networked computer. I can assure you that things saved to the hard drive (“C:” or “D:” drives) can and will be deleted. You should ALSO back up your files periodically to a CD, DVD (most computers are equipped with a DVD-RW drive that is capable of writing to a CD or DVD) or flash drive.
If you are having problems with your profile settings, you should call UH Information Technology (UH-IT) at 713-743-1411.

Be courteous.
Please remember that there are a limited number of computers available and many students who need to use them. Use common courtesy! In particular:
- You must log out of the system when you leave the room---even if only for a short time. You are responsible for any violation of University policies that occur with your account, even when you did not perform the action.
- DO NOT lock up any computer preventing others from logging on. Computers may not be saved for your use while you are away from the lab.
- Keep the door to this lab closed and locked at all times.
- The lab is for students enrolled in graduate economics courses only, if you see an unfamiliar face using this lab report the problem to Amber Pozo
- When doing research it is sometimes useful to run several programs at one time using multiple computers. Do not do this during peak usage hours (M-F from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, generally). If you want to use multiple computers do so only in the evenings and on weekends. [This also applies to printing long documents (more than 50 pages, for example).] Even when using multiple computers try to leave at least 3-4 computers open for those who may come in to work.
- Please do not eat in the computer lab. There are many places available for you to eat lunch/dinner (your office, the common area tables near the elevator, outside, etc.) If you must have a drink with you while working in the computer lab please be very careful. An accidental spill can be quite costly to the department.
- You may use the lab for personal computer work during slow times (email, internet surfing), but be considerate of others who may have work to do. If people are waiting for a computer to do research or homework and you are just "playing", then be nice and give up your computer! Also, avoid excessive printing of personal documents. Installation of any programs or data files on any computer in this lab is prohibited.
- Abuse should be reported to Amber Pozo. You can [and will] lose your computer privileges if you abuse them! Always remember that use of the computer lab is a privilege and not a right!

Report problems.
If printers need new toner cartridges, contact Amber Pozo or anyone in the Economics main office.
If you are having trouble running any software installed on the pc or department server report the problem to CLASS IT support at or 713- 743-4006.

Get support.
For any technical problems you should call information technology support for our college (CLASS) at 713-743-4006. They, however, will not install any software on the lab computers or server without Dr. Boul’s approval, so ask her first at

You should visit the University of Houston web site. There is lots of useful information there. In addition, check the department website. Amber Pozo is in charge of maintaining the department page, so be sure to let her know if there are errors to be corrected, information that needs to be updated, or any other comments or suggestions that you might have.

Contact us.
Contact information:
CLASS Technology Support for Economics
Main CLASS support line 713-743-4006
or via email:
Frank Houston:
College Information Systems Manager
Voice: 713.743.4006
Main UH-IT Help Desk 713-743-1411
Economics Department contacts
Dr. Ruxandra Boul
Associate Professor 713-743-3836
122C Science & Research 2
Dr. Ruxandra Boul is in charge of the undergraduate and graduate computer labs, department software/hardware purchasing and check out, etc.
Amber Pozo
Graduate Advisor 713-743-3805
133A Science & Research 2
Amber should be your first point of contact for questions regarding your graduate studies as well as your research assistant assignments. Issues with printer toner can also be reported to Amber.