Master of Athletic Training Program FAQ's

Is the Master of Athletic Training Program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)?
Yes, the MAT Program was granted initial accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) in April 2016. The link the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) can be found at
What are the prerequisites for the Master of Athletic Training Program?
Prerequisites for the Master of Athletic Training Program can be found on the website at the following links:
Application Requirements
MAT Program application
Do I have to take the GRE?
Applicants with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 are not required to submit GRE scores. Further information can be found at the following links:
Application Requirements
MAT Program application
What does the 50 hours of observation entail as a part of my application process?
Applicants are required to obtain 50 hours of supervised observation with a Board of Certification certified athletic trainer, who also holds an appropriate credential as an athletic trainer in the state in which they are employed. An example of these initials would read “ATC, LAT”. The 50 hours must be obtained in a minimum of 2 settings (eg: college, highschool, clinic etc).
Is there a difference between the Goals Document on the UH application and the Letter of Intent
The Goals Document and the Letter of Intent is the same.
Is this a professional or post-professional Master’s degree?
The Master of Athletic Training Program is a professional Master’s degree designed to prepare students to sit for their Board of Certification exam and enter the workforce as an athletic trainer.
In what academic department is the Master of Athletic Training Program housed?
The MAT program is housed in the department of Health and Human Performance within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Houston.
What is the curriculum for the Master of Athletic Training Program?
The curriculum is a six-semester, 57 hour degree program. The coursework, description of courses, and credit hours per course can be found at the following link: MAT Curriculum
What is the cost of the Master of Athletic Training Program?
Updated graduate tuition and fees can be found here under the listing of “CLASS 1”. There are also associated program fees as well as optional costs. For a complete breakdown of associated costs, please reference the section "MAT Program Financial Responsibilities" in the MAT Program Student Handbook.
What kind of clinical education experiences can I expect while a student in the Master of Athletic Training Program?
The Master of Athletic Training Program will use preceptors and clinical sites that incorporate the following CAATE-required clinical education opportunities:
- Individual and team sports
- Sports requiring protective equipment (e.g. helmet and shoulder pads)
- Patients of different sexes
- Non-sport patient populations (e.g. outpatient clinic, emergency room, primary care office, industrial, performing arts, military)
- A variety of conditions other than orthopedics (e.g. primary care, internal medicine, dermatology)
In addition, the MAT program will also provide clinical education opportunities in the following areas:
- Primary care
- Operative and non-operative orthopedic care
- Emergent conditions
- Pediatric care
- Therapeutic interventions and rehabilitative care
Is the UH MAT program research intensive?
The primary focus of the MAT program is to deliver a high-quality, clinical-based educational experience for each student that both prioritizes instruction of the NATA Athletic Training Educational Competencies and provides a vast array of clinical education experiences that reinforces the BOC Practice. Furthermore, all MAT students will complete one clinical case study per semester, with the intent to submit at least one completed case study for publication or presentation at a regional or national conference.
What kind of faculty and preceptors will I be working with while enrolled in the Master of Athletic Training Program?
The MAT program has aligned itself with local professionals in the Houston area who are experts in their respective disciplines and contribute successfully to the field of sports medicine both clinically and academically. Examples include athletic trainers, physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, registered dietitians, physicians, physician assistants, registered nurses, and psychologists.
Can I work while enrolled in the Master of Athletic Training Program?
The MAT program is a full-time professional program that requires attendance in all classes and at all clinical education experiences. If a student has outside employment, he/she may not represent the University of Houston Master of Athletic Training Program and academic coursework and clinical education experiences will not be planned around that student’s work schedule. Please refer to the MAT Program Attendance and Outside Employment Policy in the MAT program handbook.
Will I be eligible to take the State of Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Training licensure examination upon finishing the Master of Athletic Training Program?
According to the State of Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Training, “[i]f an applicant has taken and passed the BOC certification exam on or after January 1, 2004, that applicant may be eligible for licensure without taking these exams”. See the board rule at 22 Texas Administrative Code §871.9 (m) for details.