Intern Spotlight

Joey Martwick
Joey Martwick
Internship Site: IMG College
Title: Marketing Intern
Duties: Sponsorship fulfillment services
Why do you want to work in sports? My father worked in sports as a professional baseball/softball instructor. It’s the atmosphere I grew up in and am passionate about.
What is your dream job? To work for the Houston Texans; most likely on the corporate sponsorship side.
What are the skills you are most proud about? Communication, and I’m very good at being adaptable to adversity.
Career Mission Statement: For my career to be so fulfilling that I don’t feel like I “work” a day of my life.Favorite Sport/Team/Athlete: Football/Houston Texans/Bo Jackson
Favorite UH Sport Admin Class: Sport Marketing
Favorite Book: A Clockwork Orange
Quote that defines you: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” –Charles R. Swindoll
Personal Values: Commitment, Determination and Integrity
Shelby Miller
Shelby Miller
Internship Site: UH Athletics Communications Office
Title: Sports Information Intern
Duties: Assist the Sports Information Directors with their duties.
Why do you want to work in sports? Sports have shaped me into the woman I am today. Working in the sports field gives me the opportunity to give back to the community.
What is your dream job? College Softball Coach
What are the skills you are most proud about? My ability to grasp onto new things quickly, communication skills, and I work well within a team setting.
Favorite Sport/Team/Athlete: Softball/Texas Rangers/Cam Newton
Favorite UH Sport Admin Class: Any of Dr. Walsh’s classes. He really cares about his student’s future success.
Favorite Book: Mind Gym by Gary Mack
Quote that defines you: “There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”- Derek Jeter
Interesting Skill(s): I can solve a Rubik’s cube, play guitar, and I am also on the softball team here at UH
Personal Values: Teamwork, Enthusiasm, Accountability, Integrity, Honesty, Trust
Dipo Afolabi
Dipo Afolabi
Internship Site: The Athletic Performance Lab
Title: Marketing Assistant
Duties: Assist with Social Media marketing, marketing research, promotional efforts / Brand Awareness inside & outside sales, create relationships with small business in the community for advertising purposes.
Why do you want to work in sports? Sports has always been with me ever since I could speak. I grew up watching track & field and then I feel in love with football when I was in elementary school. Sports is a way to bring everyone together just to ease our minds off the negative things.
What is your dream job? My dream job is to be a key account executive in the sporting goods industry.
What are the skills you are most proud about? Me being good with people is probably one of my best skills. This is a skill that can’t be taught or trained. It is a skill that people naturally have and I am blessed to have that skill.
Twitter: afolabidipoFavorite Sport/Team/Athlete: Track & Field / USA Track & Field / Peyton Manning
Favorite UH Sport Admin Class: Sports Law
Favorite Book: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Quote that defines you: “Leadership is action, not position”
Interesting Skill(s): Confident, consistent, always willing to help anyway that I can, positive spirit
Personal Values: Ambition, Positive Attitude, always taking the initiative to do the right things
Byron Simpson

Byron Simpson
Internship Site: UH Athletics – Football Offices
Title: Operations Intern
Duties: Maintaining player info/records, assisting with team travel, create ways to enhance student athletes experience, assist with recruiting
Why do you want to work in sports? The continuance of the love I have had for sports my entire life.
What is your dream job? To work with/around the construction of major sporting venues and facilities.
What are the skills you are most proud about? My work ethic and hands on skills
Career Mission Statement: Taking my life’s passions of hands on labor and sports and combing them to create innovation at the highest level.Favorite Sport/Team/Athlete: Football/baseball. Astros are my only “favorite” team
Favorite UH Sport Admin Class: Kin 4355 Sport Admin
Favorite Book: Lone Survivor
Quote that defines you: "The wagon rests in winter, the sleigh in summer, the horse never."
Personal Values: High integrity, my word is my bond, Respect
Michael Sunja
Michael Sunja
Internship Site: Rice University
Title: Video/Marketing Intern
Duties: Provide Footage of Rice sports programs along with constructing video work that is used for marketing Rice Athletics
Why do you want to work in sports? I have a level of comfort with sports that is not matched from any other profession. In sports when I have that comfort there is no ceiling to the potential I have within myself.
What is your dream job? My dream job would be to work in a professional sports franchise sales and marketing position.
What are the skills you are most proud about? The skills I am most proud about are for my ability to be able to adjust to change and just simply embrace it. That fearless attitude I carry with me in any of the challenges I face.
Favorite Sport/Team/Athlete: Basketball/ Rockets/ Lebron James
Favorite UH Sport Admin Class: Sports Law
Favorite Book: Friday Night Lights
Quote that defines you: If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
Interesting Skill(s): I have an excellent ability to motivate others in distinctive ways whether through verbal communication or to physical, Communication has always been one of my strengths.
Personal Values: I value to have your priorities in line with your goals you would like to complete, simply don’t veer away from the course follow your priorities while accomplishing the small victories will help you achieve success.