Leipzig - Learning Abroad
University of Houston / Universität Leipzig (Germany) Exchange Scholarship
Leipzig University is located in Eastern Germany and is one of the oldest universities in the world. Undergraduate and graduate students from all majors/fields can be eligible to study at Leipzig University as a Reciprocal Educational Exchange Program (REEP) student for one semester - either from September through February for the German “Winter Semester” of from April through July for the German “Summer Semester.” Students may also have the option to study for the entire academic year.
Students will be expected to enroll in a four-week orientation course for international students, provided by the University of Leipzig, prior to the start of the academic semester.
Qualifying students may be supported by a DAAD-Leipzig scholarship. If a student chooses to stay for an academic year, only one semester will be supported by the scholarship. Students should demonstrate a solid foundation in the German language to participate in the exchange. In addition to the application process through Learning Abroad, applicants may complete a short interview in German with German program faculty.
For detailed information about the program and application instructions, visit the program website through Learning Abroad:
Please direct questions to UH Learning Abroad or to Dr. Hildegard Glass, hfglass@central.uh.edu.