Online Teaching

Thank you for your interest in the Online Teaching Program (OTP). The CLASS Office of Educational Technology team received international recognition for the OTP on July 20, 2021. We were awarded the 2021 Blackboard Catalyst Award for Training & Professional Development for outstanding contributions to education. This award recognizes those who display an organization-wide dedication to creating innovative training and development programs for their faculty and staff, while leveraging technology. To see and hear about the OTP, please view our video at
Our mission is to help prepare faculty for teaching and developing quality and effective online courses based on best practices. The focus of this program is on the pedagogy of online teaching and learning.
Our goals for the program are to prepare faculty to:
- Identify the characteristics of quality online courses.
- Design a plan that demonstrates the alignment between learning objectives, assessments, and activities.
- Demonstrate how to create a quality-based course with your content in Blackboard.
This is a self-paced course designed to help faculty develop effective online courses. The course may be completed in 4 – 8 hours, excluding the time needed to complete the assignments.
This course will cycle every two months beginning in early January.
Please select your preferred time to begin and end the course.
Enrollment may be extended one consecutive 2-month cycle.