Emerging Trends Conversations about teaching and learning in a networked world

A partnership of the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
02.07// Alternative Textbook Incentive Program: Faculty Insights
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall, Room 210
Presenters: Ariana Santiago, Dr. Layci Harrison, Dr. Eulises Avellaneda
Due to the high costs of commercial textbooks, 37% of UH students don’t purchase required textbooks; they also report earning poor grades, taking fewer courses, and not registering for specific courses due to textbook costs. Through the Alternative Textbook Incentive Program (ATIP), UH instructors replace traditional textbooks with open or alternative textbooks in their courses, allowing all students free and immediate access to course materials. This presentation will share ATIP application information and insights from faculty who participated in the 2019-20 ATIP cohort.
03.06// The Direction of Accessibility at UH: A Look Forward
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall, Room 210
Presenter: Eric Nambo
In this presentation, industry expert and your Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility Coordinator, Eric Nambo, shares how his role at the University of Houston will support and address accessibility. He will discuss trends in higher education and showcase advancements in technology that are making accessible content easier to create. Topics include accessibility support at UH, 2020 Strategic Trends, content authoring strategies for Microsoft Word/Adobe PDF, and advancements in adaptive technology.
Canceled 04.03// Current Trends in Copyright Law
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall, Room 210
Presenters: Dave Fagundes
Dave Fagundes is a law professor specializing in copyright. His presentation will introduce the basic substantive law of copyright; dispel some common misconceptions about copyright and infringement; discuss Creative Commons and other forms of licensing; and address copyright-related topics of particular salience to academics.