News & Events

June 2019: A big congratulations to CTTE graduate student, Erika Trent! She has been selected as the recipient of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP)/APA Division 53 Diversity Travel Award in the amount of $500. This award will allow Erika to attend the Future Directions Forum (Washington, DC), a conference sponsored by APA Division 53, the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Taylor & Francis Group.
March 2019: We are excited to welcome our newest lab member, Haley Conroy, who will be joining us as a first-year clinical psychology graduate student in the Fall! Haley comes to us from the University of Texas at Austin, where she worked as an undergraduate RA with Drs. Jasper Smits and Mark Powers.
March 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Viana on his recent grant, “ Synergistic Effects of Anxiety and Alcohol Use among Latinos and its Sociocultural Mechanisms” from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
January 2019: Congratulations to first-year CTTE grad student, Erika Trent, for successfully defending her Master’s thesis titled “Interpretive Biases and Childhood Anxiety: The Moderating Role of Parasympathetic Nervous System Reactivity.”
January 2019: Dr. Viana has been elected to the Board of Directors of the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (ABCCAP)!
December 2018: Congratulations to second year CTTE grad student, Elizabeth Raines, for successfully defending her Master’s thesis titled “Effortful Control, Interpretation Biases, and Child Anxiety Symptom Severity in a sample of Children with Anxiety Disorders”.
September 2018: Dr. Viana has appointed to the University of Houston’s Institutional Review Board.
September 2018: Congratulations from the CTTE Lab to graduate student Abby Hanna who successfully defended her Master’s thesis today! Congratulations on such an important achievement!
September 2018: Dr. Viana has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor (with tenure).
August 2018: The CTTE Lab welcomes Erika Trent, M.E.d (MIT and Boston University), who will join us as a first-year graduate student in our Ph.D program in clinical psychology in the fall! Congratulations!
August 2018: Katy Barger, a research assistant in the CTTE Lab, has been awarded a University of Houston Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship! Katy’s project is titled “PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation among inpatient adolescents: The role of distress tolerance.” Congratulations, Katy!
June 2018: Dr. Viana has been appointed to the editorial board of The Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.
May 2017: Dr. Viana, our lab Director, weighs in on the potential impact of parents shaming children on social media. (…/parent-shaming-is-it-the-right-…/2001636/)
May 2017: Marlyn Sánchez, an RA in the CTTE lab, was selected for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program! She will be supported by NSF for this 8-week summer research internship on psychophysiology, hosted by Northern Arizona University. Way to go Marlyn!
April 2017: Graduate student, Abby Hanna, presents a poster at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) conference in San Francisco, CA!
February 2017: The CTTE Lab welcomes Elizabeth (Liz) Raines (UNC-Chapel Hill), who will join us as a first-year graduate student in our Ph.D program in clinical psychology in the fall! Congratulations!
December 2016: Marlyn Sanchez, an RA in the CTTE lab, is awarded the University of Houston Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS) program for Spring 2017! Marlyn will be conducting a project on behavioral inhibition, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and depression symptoms in children under the supervision of Dr. Viana.
October 2016: Graduate student, Emma Woodward, and Lab Manager, Liz Raines present posters at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) in New York City, NY!
August 2016: The CTTE Lab welcomes our new first-year graduate student in our Ph.D program in clinical psychology, Emma Woodward (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Abigail Hanna (UT-Austin)! Congratulations!