
The Clinical Psychology program offers a number of research opportunities in areas including child/adolescent psychopathology; marital discord/domestic violence; divorce; anxiety disorders particularly with regards to sleep, trauma and substance use; developmental neuropsychology across the lifespan; learning disabilities and cognitive/academic skills assessments; autism spectrum disorders; forensic psychology; multicultural psychology; depression and suicide-related behavior; HIV-AIDS; rehabilitation neuropsychology; traumatic brain injury; and cognitive aging.
Graduate students in the Psychology Department at the University of Houston will have opportunities to participate in collaborative cross-program research.
- RESTORE Laboratory: Research on Emotion, Substance Treatment Outcomes, and Racial Equity
- Child Temperament, Thoughts and Emotions Laboratory
- Center for Couples Therapy
- Center for Forensic Psychology
- Cognitive Neuropsychology of Daily Life (CNDL) Laboratory
- Collaborative on Aging Research and Multicultural Assessment (CARMA)
- Culture, Risk, and Resilience Lab
- Developmental Neuropsychology Lab
- Developmental Psychopathology Lab
- Houston Anxiety Resilience and Treatment Lab (HART)
- Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development (LEED)
- Measurement and Intervention for Neuropsychological Disorders (MIND) Lab
- Sleep and Anxiety Center of Houston
- Texas Center for Learning Disabilities
- Trauma and Stress Studies Center (TaSSC)
- Youth & Family Studies Lab (YFSL)