Frequently Asked Questions

UH-ADAPT is a specialty clinic that focuses on assessment and treatment of adolescents ages 12-17 with emotional and relationship difficulties.
UH-ADAPT offers three types of services for clients:
- Diagnostic/relational assessments: Adolescents and their family complete this assessment to gain a greater sense of the adolescent’s functioning across several areas, including psychological, personality, emotional, social, family, and behavioral functioning. Families are provided with a written report at the conclusion of this assessment.
- Individual therapy: Our center offers individual therapy for adolescents. Treatment for each adolescent is specifically tailored to their individual needs and strengths. Treatment provided at UH-ADAPT is evidence-based.
UH-ADAPT is a low cost provider, with fees set on a sliding scale based on family income.
UH-ADAPT is located on the University of Houston campus in the Psychology Research and Services Center.
Our physical address is:
Health 2 Building, Suite 1001D
4349 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Houston, TX, 77204
Our physical address is:
Health 2 Building, Suite 1001D
4349 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Houston, TX, 77204
For additional information, please feel free to contact our director, Dr. Carla Sharp, at 713-743-0950 or