College of Education 2016 Scholarship Application Process
The College of Education Scholarship application process will open March 1st and close March 31st.
Student notes:
- You will apply only once (and upload documents only once), and the Scholarship committee will review your application for all scholarships for which you are eligible, as opposed to applying for multiple scholarships (requiring you to upload multiple sets of documents.);
- You will not need to upload your recommendation letters; instead, you will submit the email addresses of two professional references (including at least one from a COE faculty member). Those contacts will be emailed a recommendation from that they will submit directly to the Scholarship Committee. It is always courteous to seek permission first to list someone as a reference, so please feel free to begin those conversations.
On behalf of the COE Scholarship Committee, we look forward to receiving your applications, and to recognizing our best with these deserved honors!