Program Overview

The Executive Master’s of Hospitality Management (MHM) is an online program that gives its graduates a competitive edge to lead in today’s customer-centric marketplace. With a focus on the consumer experience, customer engagement, and the co-creation of value, this degree allows students to refine their professional and academic skills through personal application and development.
The program also provides students with a wealth of advanced industry knowledge across areas like innovative technology, industry analytics, big data, negotiation tactics, marketing strategies, human resources, financial asset planning, and more. Students will have the opportunity to work with leading academic talent to develop industry-based projects catered to individual advancement as well as organizational enrichment.The following courses are required of all students pursuing the Executive Master of Hospitality Management (MHM) program. For a complete description of these courses, visit the University of Houston Graduate Catalog.
Core Course Requirements
21 advanced hours of graduate coursework
- GHL 7353 - Services Management Hospitality
- GHL 7369 - Hospitality Financial Assets and Planning Management
- GHL 6381 - Strategic Decisions Making in the Hospitality Industry
- GHL 7337 - Human Resources in Hospitality
- GHL 7361 - Hospitality Marketing Analysis
- GHL 6360 – Graduate Directed Practicum
- GHL 6191 - Project Development
- GHL 6291 - Project Implementation
9 advanced hours of graduate coursework
- GHL 6329 - Negotiations for Services Industry
- GHL 6334 – Pricing and Revenue Management
- GHL 6317 - Innovative Hospitality Technologies
Sample Degree Plan
The degree plan is void if attendance is interrupted for more than one calendar year. Course work shown on this degree plan may not be applied toward a doctoral degree. The degree plans cannot be signed if there are blanks remaining on this form. Once the degree plan has been signed, changes must be made by filing a general petition.
Executive Master of Hospitality Management Sample Degree Plan 2018-2019