Honors Biomedical Sciences Degree Plan

HBS Degree Plan
Courses marked with an H must be taken in an Honors section, and all STEM courses must be taken at the University of Houston (AP and Dual Credit will not be accepted for STEM courses).
Year 1 – Fall
HON 2301H: Human Situation Antiquity (Discussion)
ENGL 1370H or ENGL 2360H: Human Situation Antiquity (Lecture)
MATH 2413 or MATH 2450H: Calculus I or Accelerated Calculus
CHEM 1321H: Fundamentals of Chemistry
BIOL 1306H: Intro to Biological Sciences
BIOL 1106: Intro to Biological Sciences Lab
Year 1 – Spring
HON 2101H: Human Situation Modernity (Discussion)
ENGL 2361H or HON 2341H: Human Situation Modernity (Lecture)
MATH 2414 or MATH 2451H: Calculus II or Accelerated Calculus II
CHEM 1322H: Fundamentals of Chemistry II
CHEM 1112H: Fundamentals of Chemistry II Lab
BIOL 1307H: Intro to Biological Sciences II
BIOL 1107: Intro to Biological Sciences II Lab
Year 2 – Fall
PHYS 1301 or PHYS 2325: Intro General Physics I or University Physics I
PHYS 1101 or PHYS 2125: Intro General Physics I Lab or University Physics I Lab
MATH 3339: Statistics for the Sciences
CHEM 2323H: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2123: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Lab
BIOL 3301 or BIOL 3332: Genetics or Elementary Microbiology
HON 3301H: Readings in Medicine & Society
Year 2 – Spring
PHYS 1302 or PHYS 2326: Intro General Physics II or University Physics II
PHYS 1102 or PHYS 2126: Intro General Physics II Lab or University Physics II Lab
BCHS 3304: Biochemistry I
CHEM 2325H: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2125: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry II Lab
BIOL 3324: Human Physiology
PSYC 2301H: Intro to Psychology
Year 3 – Fall
HIST 1301H or 1302H: The U.S. to 1877 or The U.S. since 1877
GOVT 2305H or GOVT 2306H:
Medicine & Society Elective
Medicine & Society Elective
Year 3 – Spring
GOVT 2305H or GOVT 2306H: U.S. and Texas Constitution or U.S. Government
BIOL 4374 or BIOL 4320: Cell Biology or Molecular Biology
BIOL 3311: Genetics Lab (If Core Writing in the Discipline has not been completed)
Core Creative Arts
Medicine & Society Elective
Year 4 – Fall
HON 3396H: Senior Research Experience
HIST 1301H or 1302H: The U.S. to 1877 or The U.S. since 1877
CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373: Physical Chemistry or Survey of Physical Chemistry
Medicine & Society Elective
Year 4 – Spring
HON 4396H:Senior Research Experience
BCHS 3201: Biochemistry Lab
BCHS 3305: Biochemistry II
Biology or Biochemistry Elective
Biology or Biochemistry Elective